Tattoo Artist - Michael imagine

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I felt inspired because I've been thinking of getting my first tattoo when I'm older and about the sort of thrill it gives me, and then I was like ooo tattoo artist Michael would be so sexy so yeah that's how this happened hope you guys like it! :)

-Xx Kate

Your heart is racing as you step through the door to the tattoo shop. You had set up your appointment a week ago, and it was finally here, you were getting your first tattoo. Walking up to the counter you're greeted by a gorgeous guy with bleached blonde hair, and intense green eyes. A blush crept up your cheeks, out of nervousness.

"Hello, what can I help you with?"

"Uh hi, I have an appointment with Jack today, for a tat-"

Oh you must be y/n, I'm taking Jack's appointments for the day, I'm Michael." He says sticking his hand out to shake yours.

"Oh it's nice to meet you." You say taking his outstretched hand.

"Yeah Jack had a last minute emergency, but he showed me the design you wanted so I'll be doing it if you're okay with that." His tone is more asking you instead of assuming which you appreciate.

"Y-yeah that's fine."

"Alright well then lets head back and we'll get started, Jack had the stencil already made up." He says starting to head to one of the back rooms. "Hey Tuck, keep an eye on the shop."

You follow him back, butterflies squirming in your stomach. You were nervous about getting a tattoo to begin with and now maybe you were going to have this sex god of a man tattooing you, it caused you to be extra anxious. He tells you to sit on the pleather covered table set in the center of the room.

"Is this your first tattoo?" He asks softly, as he puts on a pair of black latex gloves, grabbing a clean paper towel and a container filled with clear liquid.

"Uh yeah I've always wanted one, I've just not gotten around to it until now."

"Alrighty so this is like soapy water but a little thicker it helps the stencil stick better so I'll be applying it to the area you're getting tatted. Which my next question being where were you wanting it?"

"I was thinking my right thigh, will that work?" You ask nervously, biting your lip.

"Yeah 'course I just, uh, I'm gonna need you to take your pants off." He says a blush forming on his cheeks now. You stand up striping your pants off after taking off your shoes. You're mentally thanking yourself for wearing cute underwear today. "Alright just lay back and we'll get this applied and while it's drying I'll get everything set up."

He squirts the soapy water onto the paper towel rubbing it against the skin on your thigh where you'd indicated you wanted it, then taking a thin paper with your desired design on it carefully pressing it to your wet skin, peeling it off moments later. You look down at it admiring the design you'd wanted to get tattooed for so long.

"Does that look okay?"

"Yeah it looks great." You say with a wide smile, the nervousness turning into excitement. He opens several drawers on the large metal cabinet next to the table, taking out bottles of different colored inks and small plastic containers to hold them in, setting them on his work surface. He finished getting everything set up, attaching the tattoo gun to the air presurizer, sitting down.

"Okay so I'm gonna start now, if you need me to take a break or anything just let me know." You nod your head laying back closing your eyes. He brings the needle against your skin drawing across your thigh in a curved shape, at the initial pain your eyes shoot open and it makes you almost jolt up from the table, but you hold yourself back. He looks up at you asking if you're okay, you simply nod your head yes, telling him to continue. He brings the needle back down to your skin, the pain more familiar now, in fact it almost was pleasurable. The tiny sting of the needle against your skin mixed with his other hand being on your inner thigh made you tingle between your thighs, you could feel a bit of wetness pool in your Victoria's Secret boyshorts. As he continued the intensity of the pleasure increased, the pain hardly noticeable anymore, and before you knew it you'd let out a small moan in the back of your throat. His hand ceases it's movement on your thigh, the tattoo gun being removed from your skin.

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