Bad Intentions - Calum Imagine

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I was watching the JBH video and this little idea came to me. Just grabbed my laptop and started typing, hope you enjoy! And happy new yearxx

- Kate

Rain drops hit the large window overlooking New York City. People bustled down below, running with their multi-colored umbrellas trying to seek shelter from the pouring storm that happened to ruin a nice evening. You sat on the end of the bed, your engagement ring shining against the crisp white sheets while tears pooled on your cheeks.

Your body was radiating heat, though you were only clad in one of Calum's t-shirts and a pair of undies. Your skin was warm to the touch, it wasn't a fever, it was rage. He was seen with her, again, for the second time this week. Just thinking about the two of them laughing together over coffee made you grab the lamp in the corner and chuck it towards the wall.

Was it even worth it anymore? Did he even still love you? Was he making you look like a fool, putting this rock on your finger for what exactly? Reaching up to wipe some tears from your chin, you looked over your shoulder at the man who was behind all of this mess. Calum Hood. Your boyfriend of 3 years and now soon to be husband or soon to be ex-fiancé.

He was clad in just a pair of grey sweats, hanging low on his hips. He also wore an expression of guilt, hatred for himself for falling for her tricks again. He was in a happy and committed relationship, he loved you, you were his other half, his right hand. Calum continued to stare out the large window, bags under his eyes and his chest heavy. She was only a friend to him, nothing more. Their relationship ended a long time ago, there was no hope in saving them back then. When Calum met you, he couldn't see himself with anyone else.

He didn't want to turn around, he didn't want to see the pain he caused you, he knew you were crying, your sniffles and whimpers were the tell sign. For the first time in two years, Calum was dumbfounded for what to say. It was his ex he was meeting up with, you had every right to be upset and spiteful towards him. He knew he was in deep shit when his ex went to the bathroom and he checked his phone, seeing two missed calls from you and several texts. It wasn't you caught them, it was your best friend. Out of all the places in New York, Calum had to bring her to the cafe where she worked.

Calum had been in a committed relationship before he met you, two years to be exact. Calum and her were close, their families had gone way back, when Calum got into an accident that almost took his life, she was the first one there, feeding him and even teaching him how to stand on his two feet again. She was in the area for business, wanting to meet Calum for coffee and catch up with things. She knew he was engaged to be married, hell he even invited her to the wedding! They were just friends, exes can be friends, right? Calum finally turned his attention to you, God he knew whatever he said he had to be careful.

He trudged over and sat on the ottoman that sat in front the tv stand, looking right at you. You didn't dare meet his eyes, in fear of bringing yourself to tears, not like you weren't there already. "Y/N, can you lo-" "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be out with her?" And there it was. The two of you rarely fought, and when you did it was only over little things like who's turn it was to take out the trash or why were there clothes on the bedroom floor or whatever silly article was out that day. One time they claimed you of having an affair with their body guard Dave, which was crazy, you both had a laugh about that one.

And usually after those little tiffs you two would end up kissing and cuddling on the couch, which usually ended up with more clothes on the floor, gaspy moans and shaking limbs. "Will you just, please let me explain myself." He watched you, your body trembling, tears hitting the sheets and your ring. God the last thing he wanted was for you to get upset and throw the ring in his face. He got a chill just thinking about it. He spend weeks looking at it, debating if you would like it, even bringing your mom and sister out so they could see it for themselves. If they knew about what he had done, he wouldn't hear the end of it.

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