Still not safe

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I'd known for a bit that I wanted to lose my virginity to Dimitri. I just hadn't ever seen it realistically happening. At least until I was graduated. And I had certainly never seen me losing it while in hiding, fearing for my life, in some dingy, tiny, old, lucky-to-be-one-star motel. Or at fourteen. But here we were. I was most definitely only fourteen. And he was nearly twenty. We were fearing for my life and in hiding. And the first thing we can think of doing is pushing our limits and crushing our control... in bed... with each other... now both of us with nearly no clothes on— most of which were quite literally shredded and lying on the floor beside the bed and all over the tiny room.

Then it happened. Just as precise as any training, just as fierce, and just as scary, uncharted territory, just as new, but just as familiar. How could one man be so perfect and tender and gentle while also being so fierce and animalistic and raw? How could he bring out my strongest emotions while also bringing out my base instincts? He drove me mad, but I loved him. I loved him and it drove me mad. He was a god in battle and a god in the bedroom. There was very little separating the two. And with us, I doubted the two were even meant to be separated. Ever.

Or, at least, that's how I believed it would go. Dimitri's control was stronger than I ever gave him credit for. Damn it. It just had to be him to create my first sex dream!

"I love you, Dimitri. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you."
He looked at me as if he'd just discovered his reason for living. "Then promise me this: let me protect you, no trying to save yourself. Okay?"
I couldn't believe what he was asking of me. "I won't let you die for me, Comrade."
Dimitri regarded me with utter seriousness. "I won't live without you, Rose."
I bit my lip and stared at him through my lashes. "Then I think we have a problem, Comrade..."
"One you don't want to know how I want to solve," he growled before kissing me desperately.

I got a surprise when I woke up to find Dimitri and I still shirtless in bed. And that he was studying me, delicately tracing the lines of my body with his eyes and a gentle, relaxed smile on his face. One arm was holding my waist protectively. I smiled in return.

"Hey," I whispered, scared to break this moment... and terrified to truly accept that my dream had only been a dream... Then again, I was only fourteen. What else could I expect? Dimitri definitely had more control than even he believed— he had been the one to force us to cool off and get some legitimate, innocent shut-eye after he couldn't bring himself to even play with the clasp of my bra, no matter how much I tried reassuring him I was fine with it because it was him. He hadn't been fine with it and he didn't want me waking up and regretting letting him even remove my shirt because I'd let teenage hormones and the emotionally turbulent day mess-up my sense of judgement.

"Morning, Roza." That heart-stealing smile remained. He hesitated before tentatively asking, "You feeling okay?"
I grinned and nodded. "I feel amazing."

I was sore. Of course I was sore. But in its way, it only added to the high. The high my dream had created and the soreness came from my subconscious continuation of last night's activities, not what actually felt unusual because Dimitri had gotten a little possessive.

Dimitri looked at me questioningly.
I groaned. "Okay, okay. I'm sore, but isn't that to be expected after giving me a love bite?"
He simply brought his lips to mine in a chaste kiss while laughing against them. "Yes, Still Miss Innocent." Dimitri sent me a loving, longing, lingering gaze while gently tracing a line down my cheek and jaw with the back of his hand. "I love you, Roza."
I smiled and my heart skipped a few beats. "I love you, Comrade."
His smile widened at the sound of the new nickname. "I sort of hate you for that, Rose. What kind of nickname is Comrade for a bodyguard called Dimitri? It sounds like something you should call a dog."
I gasped at him in mock offence. "How can you hate me for that? And it fits you perfectly... It's a sexy nickname for a sexy beast. Honestly, why would I call you something I'd call a dog? I'd call a dog something I'd call you!"

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