Hello, WattPad: Important Announcement

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Hey everyone!

I'll be completing a few of my other fanfics very soon, just letting you know. I was thinking... why don't I get my readers more involved in my stories so they will enjoy them even more? Then I had a crazy idea (more of a brain fart than anything else).

How would YOU guys like to make an appearance in a fanfiction?

If you've been reading any of my fics and REALLY liked them, then you're more than welcome to make an appearance. Here's a list of fanfics with available spaces:

- The Gift of Girls

Things have become lonely in the Beatles household, so the lads decide it's time to branch out and meet some girls. They come across four young women who are very similar to them... perhaps a bit too similar. Will The Beatles hit it off with these girls, or will it end in disaster?

- She's a Woman

Michelle Edwards isn't like the other girls - she prefers playing football to dancing; she would rather play her guitar than bake teacakes; she'd feel much more comfortable in drainpipe trousers than a frilly floral skirt. Needless to say, Michelle doesn't fit in at home, but she has a dream.

One day, her dream comes true quite by surprise - but she has to keep a lot of secrets, including the fact that she's a woman...

- Let's Play House

Daddy John and Mama Paul live a happy life with their good friend (and mortgage payer), Brian Epstein, and their four year old son, Richie. Things in the Beatle household suddenly change due to the arrival of a new family member - but is it for the better?

- McGirly (working title, lol)

A drunken night at Abbey Road studios goes horribly wrong the next morning. Paul wakes up to a splitting headache, an upset stomach, and an entirely new body? All of Paul's hope suddenly disappear... along with several significant body parts. (coming soon!)

- Growing Up Immature (another working title)

Another choose-your-own-adventure story! You and your rather uptight roommate have been assigned a task of the unusual kind - babysitting four rumbustious little boys, aged eight months to four years. What trials will await you in this wonderfully weird afternoon of babysitting?

- Junk and Other Stories

A silly series of short stories starring The Beatles! (coming soon!)

So what do you think?

Did any of these stories catch your eye? If you want to make a cameo in any one of these books, even the soon-to-be-published ones, just PM me or leave a comment!

RULES (you knew these were coming):

1) If I can't fit you into the story line, please don't make a big deal out of it.

2) If you don't like what I've made your character do/look like/behave like, please let me know and I will try to fix it. 

3) Nothing overly sexual will happen in these stories. (Sorry, McLennon shippers.)

4) To leave a request to be in a fic, leave a comment or message me. You must tell me which fic you want to be in, what role you'd like to play, what your name/character's name will be, and a brief physical description so I can portray you/your character better.

So that's my little idea! Let me know if you want to take part!

Hope to see you all soon and get back to the normal Beatlemaniac jokes. :)

See you on the flip side!

Much love,

~ Macca "Macs" Sunshine xxxx

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