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And we were there, no words spoken but the tightening of my arms around him explained exactly how I felt.

I loved him and I guess he loved me too.

But only as a friend..
I mean,  he still loves Smackle and all and god knows that I am tottally not over Lucas.

And somehow something inside me is telling me that I'm developing feelings for Farkle?..

These feelings are confusing me and I'm sure as hell have no doubt that Farkle is as confused as I am too.

Like Farkle had told me when he dragged me outside of Topanga's cafe'; "We are still trying to figure out these feelings that we don't know yet".

Anyways... One thing I know for sure is that this moment was special.


I release my tight embrace from him and sighed. I watched as he ran his hand through his unkept messy hair and say "I'm still not over her".

I shook my head and rested it on his shoulder.

"If it makes you feel better, I admit that I do actually have feelings for Lucas even though he's with Maya now"I told him with a poker face.

He nodded, showing that he understood.

He then sighed and rested his chin on my own head."And I'm still sorry that I divulged that you still like him".

I shrugged."It's fine..That gave me a wake up call that I'm not some princess living in a perfect fantasy world."

I turned my head to Farkle and smiled.

"Thank you",he smiled.

I stuck my tounge out.
"I'm not up for corny things Farkle"I told him with a chuckle.

He laughed.and pushed me playfully.

"-But in all seriousness, thank you too,Farkle.",I continued while giving him a smile in return.

He rolled his eyes,picked up his book beside him, and slammed it to my face.

I groaned in pain and caressed my pulsing face in comfort.

"What was that for?.You hurt me!"I exclaimed with agony hidden in my voice.

He was laughing and that was tottally messed up, until he added; "To make sure I'll hurt you before you hurt me".

"The hell does that mean?"I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders with a sigh.

"Soon enough you'll find out"he told me with a smirk gracing  his face.

My Second Choice (Riarkle)Where stories live. Discover now