Chapter 4

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"Really Farkle?"I said with displeasure.

"So I'll hurt you first before you hurt me?" I mocked,imitating him.

"What?",he spoke with a chuckle.

"I was just trying to be spontaneous!".

I rolled my eyes.

"-And you're not doing a very good job when you do that" I told him.

He nodded and smiled."Okay I guess I'll stop".

I stuck my tounge out at him.

And suprisingly, he did as well.

Farkle used to almost never put up with me being silly.

I swear he despised my acts of sillyness.

Usually he'd compare me to some fact that somehow involves me being similar to that.

And just now, he didn't go nerd power knowlege on me.

"Anyways-",he said while standing up.

"Shall we go and show myself to your parents?"he said with a jovial tone.

I nodded and followed him into the kitchen, where my mom was.

We found her at the table with Auggie, helping him with an arts and crafts project he needed to do for school.

I walked up behind her and without warning, I gave her a big hug.

She shuddered with suprise and then looked behind her chair to find me, snickering with laughfter.

She looked a Farkle at the corner of the room who was also snickering.

"You little rascals-"she said under her breath.

"I'm so concentrated on this project and you two sneaking on me had scared me to death!"she told us.

I chuckled then motioned for Farkle to come next to me.

He did and I brought my arm around his shoulder.

"Well, well, well...Riley has a sudden change of heart"Auggie jokingly cooed.

I rolled my eyes. "-Anyways, how long will Farkle be staying here?"I asked Topanga.

"Hmm...-the whole entire Christmas break"she told me while going back to focus on her craft.

"I'm fine with that"Farkle said with happiness.

He then looked at me and whispered, "And I guess I'll be staying in your room for the time being-"

Heat crept up my cheeks and I quickly backed up away from him.

What the hell is he saying?

He gave me a smirk then said "This time, I'm serious".

I was flushed and I so did not want to show that I was infront of my mom.

God knows she will intterogate me until she gets the reason why I am blushing...

So, quickly, I dragged him to my room, locked the door and said,"No funny buisness in this room okay?".

He nodded but then said,"Sure, but I won't promise-".

"Goddammit Farkle would ypu stop teasing me!-I know your a flirt to all girls and that I should be used to this but-".

Suddenly, his hand was on my waist. He then looked me into my eyes, showing his blue eyes in the process.

His head then dipped into my neck while his tounge lightly flicked a sensitive spot around my neck.

I almost shuddered with pleasure but I knew I had to contain it in order for me to stop.

He then whispered into my ears,"No promises".

All of a sudden, he let go of me and my legs were just like jelly.

This unfortunately made me fall to the ground.


Is what I was saying to myself repeatedly.

But I knew something inside me enjoyed that act he did to me,more then I liked to admit.

"Well Riley, that was my hit"he said with a smirk plastered on his face.

(A/N:Hey guys!So Christmas break has started for me and so I decided to update more frequently since I have morw free time than usual~♥Expect more chapters flooding in!!!Oh and by the way..Thank you for all the comments everyone leaves on each chapter I update!I appreciate it so much and its almost like you guys are suppourting me to keep this story going!Thank you so much~!)

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