Chapter 23

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"He does?", I spoke with a wavering voice.

Lucas nodded, crossing his arms.

"Right now it is confusing for Farkle. He doesn't know how to handle his feelings because he just started to date you. He's never had these feeling before about anyone so it's natural he'd act that way towards you"

"He handles his feeling differently, so please understand that!", Lucas added while grabbing my shoulders.

I nodded my head and removed his grip from my shoulders.
"I understand what your saying-".

Lucas raised his brows. "-Okay great! So this means that you'll make up"

I shook my head. "You didn't let me finish".

Lucas opened his mouth to say something , but quickly shut it.

"-I understand what your saying. But I still feel hurt that those words that you just told me aren't coming from his mouth".

"I still have this feeling of anger for him not trusting me. And I'm sorry but I'm not satisfied that the person I'm talking to right now isn't him".

Lucas nodded. "I understand".

I smiled and nodded. "Now I'm going to go home and try to-".

I looked down at the ground in thought, then looked back up to Lucas again.

"I'm going to go home and think", I rephrased.

Lucas nodded. "Should I walk you home-"

I shook my head. "No please, I'm sorry but I want to be alone".
I know Lucas is just trying to help but I just feel like I need to be alone with my thoughts now.

As I walked away from Lucas I began to think how afraid I was of ever going to go school again tommorow.

As I entered my bedroom I immediately collapsed on my bed.
I stared at the ceiling and muttered to myself, what the hell am I going to say to him tommorow.

I groaned with irritation. I've gotta stop thinking too much.

So, I closed my eyes and tried fall into sleep, but somehow I couldn't.

I shifted to the side for a more comfortable position, but when I did, I felt something poking underneath my back.

I sat up and saw that I was laying on top of a folded up movie ticket.

This movie ticket was from the time me an Farkle went to the movies.

I smiled as all the memories of that date started to flash into my mind. It was such a fun date.

And in that moment, I realized something after thinking about that.

It was that I don't ever want to lose Farkle.

I loved his dorky personality, his intelligence, his heart, his smile, and his voice.

And I really didn't want to stop loving those things about him.

I sighed and nodded with a smile. Tommorow I will make up with him.

I know it!

And so I laid back on my bed and played with the folded up movie ticket in my hand, as I slowly fell into a deep slumber.

My Second Choice (Riarkle)Where stories live. Discover now