Chapter 10

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He slumped down in his chair with confusion. "So this is all real"he spoke with awe.

I nodded, staring at him tensely.

"So is it bad that I like you?Cause it seems like you're not taking this very well"I asked him with worry.

He quickly shifted his focus to me and sat straight.

"Its not bad because I know this isn't real"he spoke, looking into my eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows at his answer."But it's true-".

"No it's not!You are probally just lonely Riley because of what happened at New Years".

I stood up from my seat "This isn't about what happened on New Years!This is about my feelings about you at this very moment"I exclaimed.

He stared at me intensely. "So only now you have feelings for me?-And I'm guessing it's because you feel lonely".

"I had feelings for you from the start"I told him with fury.

"I just didn't realize it until we kissed for the second time "I added.

"But how did you realize you liked me?".

I sighed and looked down at my hands in fit of embaressment.

"Because the second time we kissed, I had that same feeling that I had when you kissed me on the chin in seventh grade"I told him with happiness.

He looked at me with doubt."Isn't that suppoused to be a bad thing?"he asked cautiously.

I laughed."No, I liked it!"I told him.

"Your face sure didn't say that"he said while mocking my grossed out face from the past.

"No...I didn't tell you this but I kinda liked it in a weird way..I was just putting up a facade because I kept denying I liked you and because I didn't want Maya to know"I said while still looking down.

"Well,if we are saying all of our secrets can I say one of mine?"he asked with a grin.

I giggled, looking up from my hands."What is it?"I asked.

"I like you too"he said with a smile gracing his face.

"You dork"I muttered,standing up from my chair and slapping him playfully.

And in that moment, I found that mabye second choices aren't as bad as I thought.

Oh and that I told my biggest secret ever and that I'm probally gunna cringe in my bed tonight.

(A/N:Hey guys ♥HAPPY HOLIDAYS! STILL COMMING AT YA WITH CHAPTERS :).Hope you guys are still enjoying these chapters so far!Once again,your suppourt on this story guys, is truely amazing!I love reading comments and seeing how you guys suppourt! :) Anyways bye for now, until the next chapter ♥ )

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