Cant stop loving you

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Chapter 9

The next day i was awoken up by the clearing of a throat and sun shining in my eye . I barely opened up my eye to see a still sleeping Andre with his arms wrapped around me . He seemed to be sleeping so i assumed the noise had to be coming from him sleeping but it wasn't cause i heard the clearing noise again .

***: ehheeemm i know you awake and you hear me !

I jumped up startled looking up because i was naked wrapped in Andres arm . I quickly grabbed the covers to cover myself waking up Andre in the process and meeting these amazing blue eye blond girl. She could be a model the way she looked.

Andre: Damn Lora its way too early to be starting up and who the fuck let you in here dawg!

Lora: dont start with me and who is she ?!

Me: uhm i-i-im Lyan

Lora: uhmm did i ask you .. I asked André

Andre: ay! Chill the fuck out you not going to disrespect her ! Why are you here?!


Me: you have a fucking son ! What the fuck you didn't tell me and you lora or whatever you don't have to come here and cause a scene and be rude at all to be ! Im sure André will be glad to see his son !

They both erupted into laughter when i finally spoke up . I didn't get what was so funny.

Lora: hello I'm Lora Gonzalez I'm Andre's sister he's never in his life brought a girl home or near family at soo seeing you shocked me so i had to test you but i like That you stood up for yourself .

Me: * lets out sigh* oh thank goodness hey im Lyan im andres girlfriend and nice to meet you

I stretched out my hand to greet her when Andre smacked my butt which cause me to realize i was naked i quickly ran into the bathroom to cover up and brush my teeth . I grabbed one of his sweatshirt brush my teeth and went out to formally greet lora when i over heard their convo.

Lora: sooo u brought someone home ... Its about time i thought u were gay

Andre: nah just chill baby girl is special and i want her around me forever

Lora: well i hope she worth it now mom n and dad sent me here on a drop n told me to tell you the details

Andre: eh put it in the office ion want baby girl hearing about this shit

I decided to walk out and test if he would trust me. I mean you might as well tell me .

Me: hearing what ?

Andre: nothing ma

By this time lora had walked out giving us privacy . I stood there with my arms crossed staring at him. What was he hiding from me and why ?

Me: soo your going to stand here and just lie to me

Andre: no im not but i just dont want you involve with certain things

Me: and why the hell not

Andre: cause what you dont know wont kill you .

Me : oh

At this point i decided to let it go after that point . But i really wanted to know what was going on , il find out soon. I guess i made the situation awkward because André came and grabbed me and sat me on his lap .

Andre: look baby i don't want nothing hurting you and to guarantee that i need to not get you involved in my work.

I nodded then he tried to kiss me i quickly pushed him off playfully.

Cant stop loving youWhere stories live. Discover now