Chapter 17

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Charlie POV

We walked into the school, why are we here?

"What's this all about?"

Bombay- "Sit down"

I sat down and I see Orion and a little girl in a wheelchair out on the ice, I looked at Bombay confused

Bombay- "That's his daughter, she was injured in a car accident about five years ago...he was driving and they got sideswuped"

"So that's why he gave up on playing pros?"

Bombay- "When the North Stars left Minnesota, he stayed. He didn't want to dirsrupt her recovery...her doctors and friends were all here"

I can't believe this

"We all just thought he was some washed-up bully who couldn't hack it"

Bombay- "He can hack it Charlie...He just simply made a choice and I don't think he's ever regretted it for a minute"

I sat there and Bombay started to get up

Bombay- "Come on"

We walked out into the hall and Bombay showed me something

Bombay- "Check this out...look at that hair"

We both laughed

Bombay- "I look like Greg Brady"

We laughed again

Bombay- "I was like you Charlie. When I played hockey, I was a total hotshot. Tried to take control of every game. wound up quitting. So I tried the law...same thing, I ruled in the courtroom, but inside I'm a mess. I started drinking. Man I was going down. But then this great thing happened...maybe the best thing ever....I got arrested"

Coach got arrested?

Bombay- "and sense the community service, and there you were...Charlie and the ducks. And as hard as i fought it, there you were"

I started to tear up

Bombay- "You gave me a life Charlie. And I wasnt to say thank you. I tild Orion all about this when I talked to him about taking over. I told him that you were the heart of the team...and you would learn somthing from each other......I told him, that you were the real Minnesota miracle man"

I felt a tear fall down my face

"You did?"

Bombay- "I did. So be that man, that man"

I thought about going back, the team needs me...we have a game today so maybe Orion will take me back..I said goodbye to Bombay and went to catch the bus

Orion- "Mendoza...Fulton.."

He looks up and sees me

Orion- "Conway?"

"I want to be on the team coach....I want to play two=way hockey...Can I come back?"

He smiles

Orion- "Take a seat, we're running late...let's go we gotta a game to catch"

I smiled and walked up to take my seat, everyone was happy to see me

Russ- "It's about time Conway"

Russ looked at me

Russ- "oh man, you should have seen your face"

He did puppy lips and eyes and mocked me

Russ-  "Oh coach, I wnt to play two-way hockey, Can I come back?"

I hit him

Russ- "Ow!"

When we were about to leave the princible shoes up on our bus

Buckley- "I almost missed you...Coach, mind if I speak to your boys"

Julie- "And girls"

Buckley- "Yes, of course, and girls"

Orion- "If you can make it quick Dean, we're already running late as it is"

Buckley- "I'm afraid this is important. We have a bored meeting scheduled tomorrow, and well you ll are on the agenda. We have to thing long-term here. What's in your best intrest. Hard as it is personally, because you kids have been a breath of fresh air around here, the board is going to approve the withdrawal of your scholarships. Now, you'll be welcomed to stay through the end of the semester, but after that, it will be necessary for enjoy other educational opportunities"

I could se Coach get mad

Orion- "Dean, I need a word with you"

Buckley- "I think I've said all I need to say'

Orion- "No, now"

They both get off of the bus and started to talk loudly

Dwayne- "other educational opportunities? What's he saying Russ?"

Russ- "I'll put it in terms you can understand...Adios amigo"

Dwayne- "Oh..I see..."




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