5. Looney Old Drunk

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Working in a pub is tiring and restless, especially in the kingdom of DunBroch. The place was always packed with sailors of all sorts and a handful of warriors and the occasional hookers with too much flesh showing.  Through all the havoc that erupts suddenly and the stumbling drunks, Adella found it to be enjoying and eventful. Stories were shared about adventures and songs were sung about a historical event or the creatures of the sea. The warriors spoke of blood and death, while the sailors spoke of the mysteries of the sea and its magical creatures.  Adella listened to everyone of them intently allowing her a glimpse of the adventurous journeys these men endured on daily occasions. 

Tonight like the nights before was packed with hungry and thirsty men; either for food or the feeling of a woman's body. She could hear their thunderous footsteps as they entered the pub and screeching of chairs and tables as they pushed them around; dust fell from the ceiling of her underground room. She threw on her uniform; a flowing creamy dress with a décolletè top and a corset around the waist - which Adella found to be the most annoying and uncomfortable clothing which unfortunately of her, she has  to suffer with as a human -  with brown leather boots she hid well from Lucy. Facing the mirror she braided her hair into a loose side braid, Adella then rushed towards the stairs and up towards the tavern where its sure to be a bustle and a hustle.  

Standing behind the bar to attended to her customers needs. "Hello, Gerard!" She softly greeted the old man that visited the pub every night. 

"'Ello Adella." He smiled at her.

Smiling back before asking, "Been working, eh?" She asked while nodding her head at his dirty boots and hands.

The elder grinned and replied. "Och, aye th' steid is running wi' engery. Mah auldjin, Todd said he fun some diamonds!"

"Diamonds?! You thought you said the cave is filled with nothing but dirt and rock?" Questioned the Princess, while pouring the man some Brandy. 

"Aye! muckle sparkling diamonds!" Described Gerard with his fist up in the air and toothless grin on his fcae. Gently she placed the metal cup into his hand, which trembled terribly. "Here's some Brandy, it'll keep you warm." She explained before panting his hand lightly and a fleeting smile she turned around to serve the other customers. Poor old man works day and night in that eerie cave.. 

- L.O.D -

The Jolly Roger sailed across the sea, gracefully and through the darkness that stretched as far as the eye could see. On the quarterdeck stood Captain Killian Jones with his eyes ablaze gazing into his spyglass, getting a closer look of the land of warriors. Smirking at the sight of large mountains and waterfalls that fell into the sea. 

"Jigs! A mile north and the pretty ladies are all yours, lad!"

His heart thumped with excitement; not only is the kingdom known for its lurking monsters but the many caves that are filled with treasure, all awaiting his arrival. His blue eyes sparkled with delight and the burning desire swelled within his chest.


The lights of the kingdom were finally twinkling brightly before their eyes. At the signal of the Captain, two men threw down the anchor at the sight of the dock, the crew stumbled a bit once the ship hit the wooden docks. Another group of men threw down the ropes and hooks, before climbing down and tying the rope around the hooks of rusty metal.  

Gracefully the pirates un-boarded the ship and trudged up the mountain towards the kingdom of DunBroch. 

- L.O.D -  

Time ticked by slower than the waves of shallow stream, Adella's body was sweaty and sticky from the bustle of work and the hide and seek game she had with filthy drunks trying to bed her. The crowd of sailors, warriors and hookers finally deduced to a man slumbering next to the crackling fire. They all left in a chaos of laughter and drawling songs. Broken bottles and shreds of glass with torn fabric and clothing and stains of blood scattered the tables and floor of the tavern . After the pieces of glass and clothing was collected and thrown away the Mermaid crouched down low and brushed the floor viciously trying to remove the stains of dried blood. 

Huffing in annoyance. Why isn't it clearing away?! Frustrated she dipped the sponge into a bucket of salt water and soap, before she returned to trying to brush the huge stain of blood off of the floor.  

She continued to rub and rub until the water cooled and her hands were scattered with blisters did she succeed with removing the stain. Sighing, she popped down on a near by chair. Her back  and arms ached, pulsing with pain. Slowly her eyelids drooped and her muscles relaxed. Finally some peace. 

Lucy walked out of the kitchen door and into the pub to the sight of the younger lass snoozing on the chair. Her lips lifted up at the sight, shaking her head she returned back into the kitchen to finish up cleaning the dirty dishes. 

- L.O.D -

 The crew cautiously walked through the kingdom, each time a knight passed by they'd duck their heads or carry on walking. The alleys were empty and eerie and so were the streets. No one was out and about, expect the usual knights guarding the kingdom from thieves. The map led them into allies fit for one man to walk down and poorly built houses. They came across some late night hookers that clung  to them and seductively asked for a night in bed and some money; some of the crew left with them while the others followed their Captain thriving for the feeling of gold and diamonds in their hands.    

Turning a corner, Killian bumped into a somber old man causing them both to stagger back. The Captain recomposed himself and was about to walk away when the man stumbled  to his feet before swaying from side to side while he sung; "Diamonds in th' cave! A pot o' gowd fur me! Sing alang men!"  Although his words were stammering and constantly interrupted by hiccups, they caused the pirates to halt and listen to his gibberish song.  "Rich.. Ah wull be.. Smothered in gowd 'n' silver 'n' ilka lass wid waant me, nou! Diamonds we fun thaim!" He swayed on his wobbling feet before tripping over his own foot. He chuckled and stammered. "Mah pockets ur heavy wi' dosh."

Killians eyebrows rose at the sight of poorly dressed man, a plan rapidly forming in his head. He crouched over the man before asking. "Are you alright, lad?" 

The man nodded his head while rolling his eyes and flailing his arms around. "A'm rich!" 

Nodding his head as his lips thinned. "You spoke of diamonds? Can you tell me where you found them?"

Gerards eyes leisurely drooped. His chest rose calmly. Frustrated, Killian shook the man harshly. "Wake up, old man! Where's the diamonds, lad!" He yelled at the sober old man. 

His eyelids rose a bit and his brown orbs peeked at Killian, starring at him before he lazily muttered. "Lucy's tavern.." 

"What 'bout a bloody tavern?" His eyebrows pulled in; confused and frustrated. Why couldn't say it all at once! 

"Adella.. Wull.. L.." Loud snores came out of the now slumbering man.

Rolling his eyes, Captain Killian Jones turned to his crew. "Seems like we need some rum." He declared.  


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