17. Beautiful Child

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Her teal orbs studied the shallow currents while fighting the urge to compare its shallowness to the empty heart-ed pirate that seems to be lingering at the edge of her mind. As if he has a right to live within her mind, reading her thoughts and laughing at how easily he could persuade her to do what he pleases. How could a beautiful being be so cruel? 

Adella wasn't quiet sure what drove her mad about him, sure he's handsome, but his personality changes like the tides of the ocean, and she's always the one that's drowning. She could have left, though Adella loved beauty, she's fascinated by how with age beauty get ruined and all that's left is personality and that's when reality to a beautiful human kicks in, and he is a beauty. The boat rocked as it sailed through the ocean. Her skirt twirled at it hem as she turned around to watch the crew work. She watched as men screamed at each other, one teaching another, some telling tales to the young, some sung a melody that would lure sirens, if any are close by. 

Her gaze caught his graceful movement and for some reason the urge to be next to him spread throughout her body. Digging her nails into the rails in attempt to stop herself from going over there and apologizing to a cocky bastard. Though she was not able to stop her eyes from studying him. Teal orbs traveled over his body, taking in how his hands gestured exaggerating-ly, or the way his jaw clenched and his eyes glazed as he lost himself to thought.

If any of her sisters were here, they'd tell her to stopping eyeing the poor man with a look that says she's about devour him.  Even the slight thought of her sisters brought a pang to her chest, she would not deny how homesick she is. 

Adella's face flushed once he caught her staring, quickly she glanced away. Turning her attention to a young boy scrubbing the floor ruthelessly and fruitlessly his attempt to remove the stain is. Sighing, she crouched down next to him, touching his rough hand lightly. The boy glanced into her eyes fearfully as if a fraid she'd leash out at him. She should have a serious talk with Kil- Hook, he's Hook now, Adella remember that, please-in order to stop this abusive releationship between the eldery and the youth. 

"Dove, you're not doing it right." Gently she spoke, adding a reasuring smile at the scared child. His face relaxed abit. 

"I don't know how too, m'lady." He muttered ever so softly. 

"Call me Adella, m'lady is a mouthful, my dear." His eyes gleamed as a smile stretched across his face.

"So is Adella." She rolled her eyes at him. "C-can I call you, Ella?"

Her head dipped. "Of course, and what is your name?"

"Viau, my mother used to call me Val, instead." Viau's face turned sorrowful. Silence ascened upon them and Adella took the oppurtiunty to study his features. Viau's eyes were as pure green emeralds, his hair a curling mess of oynx black, his skin sun-kissed for spending to much time under the sun, and his body an only be decribed as scrawny. Her heart broke. How long has it been seen he's last been fed? 

"Would you prefer I call you Val, then? Or should I reserve hat for your mother and possibly a lover?" She winked trying to lighten the mood.  

He smiled thankfully at her. "Val, please." 

Her eyes never left the child's eye as she questioned him. "Val, are any other children on board?" He shook his head; no. "When's the last time you ate, and don't dare lie to me."

"Two days ago."


A lean man with an eye patch stumbled towards them. "M'lady?"

"Clean away this stain." She ordered, pulling the child with her as she stood.

He stared at her as if she somehow grown a beard. "M'lady, its the boys-" His words were silenced by a glare. 

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