18. Humanity Has Failed

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Adella sat on a comfy armchair cocooned and wrapped up by a duvet and blankets, in front of a roaring fireplace. Her eyes trained on the fire as it crackled, spitting a river of sparks. The sparks danced back towards the fire but before the fire swallows them again, they die. She felt cold, like ice cubes were settling in her stomach and were painfully poured down her throat. No matter how man blankets she covered herself with, the chill never left.

The soft snores of the boy are nothing but a soothing melody to Adella's ear. For some reason she felt safer sharing a room with someone, however sleep seems to be a million miles away. Consumed by her own thoughts, she saw flashbacks before her eyes. Moments in the sea with friends and sometimes family, others where of Killian Jones the man whom found a home in her soul.

"Foolish girl." She whispered to the fire. "Falling for any handsome by passer. Handing your heart out as if its a mere gift, nothing too precious."

She wasn't sure how there's tears running down her cheeks, or how complicating things begun to become. Every thing was simple as a child. Why did it become so difficult?

Furiously, she rubbed her face. Do not cry, stop crying.

Breathing in deeply, she broke free from the cocoon and out into the cold air. The windows were sealed shut, but the floor is freezing. Her bare-feet made no sound as she approached the sleeping child. Careful as not to wake him, she sat down and mattress dipped under her weight. Her fingers brushed the hair that had fallen into his face, smoothing it to the side. For a mass of curls, his hair is surprisingly soft but covered in dirt. I'd have to bathe him tomorrow.

Leaning forward, she kissed the top of his head. "I'll take care of you, little one."

With the promise hanging in the air, Adella went to her side of the bed snuggling under the floral duvet and draping an arm over the boy. For some reason she felt responsible for the child, something about him was alluring. Maybe it was how his smile lights up his dirty face?

She wasn't sure what but she vowed to raise him as if he was hers. From the way he spoke of his mother, she could tell the lady had passed on to the other side, though that doesn't stop curiosity from churning deep within her mind and she had to fight the urge to rush towards the captains private chamber, demanding to know why a child was welcomed abroad a ship full of pirates.

Sleepy eyes locked onto the ceiling, blinking before drooping. Her mind shut down as sleep took her away.


The morning star shone, victoriously beaming at the sea. The surface winked at the sun and seagulls sung the song of waves.

Adella stirred awake at the touch of strings of light. Her eyes were still sealed close as she tried to call out to sleep to take her away, for some reason she didn't want to wake up. She wasn't sure why exactly, though it felt like the type of day you wake up too lazy.

Sighing, she lay motionless until a warm body nuzzled closer to her chest. Her eyes flew up, startled.

The runaway princess glanced down the source and immediately relaxed, it's just Val after all.

A smile graced her lips as she gently managed, without awaking the child, to slip out of bed and freshen up.


Killian stood before a map laid on top of a table with three of his most trusted men as they planned their next move.

They have been brainstorming for an hour and planning for two hours now, to be truthful Killian is starting to get bored but mainly frustrated by his bickering men. He pinched the bridge of his nose using his index finger and thumb. 

"Please, shut up." The hiss cut through their high volume debate. "And leave. We sail west at dawn." 

The three men evacuated the room while bickering lowly. The captain sighed. No matter how low they speak, they're still too loud to be called a whisper. Although the three were the best pirates the seas has ever encountered, they're a bit dense. 

Killian is still clueless as to where the treasure the old drunk spoke off. Only one person does and it only happens to be Adella; the last person that would tell him.  He poured himself so ruby, chugging it down. 


Adella hummed a soft lullaby as she scrubbed his body clean. Val sat their tense and too still for a child his age. Most children his age are too hyper with the occasion curiosity that always leads to trouble, but then again maybe that's just the mermaids, humans might differ.

"Why are you so kind to me?" His voice barely audible. 

She stop scrubbing to glance up at his face, admittedly caught off guard. "What do you mean?" 

Green eyes turned towards her. "I mean, why are you kind?" 

"I know what you meant, I just don't understand why you're asking." She shrugged. "To answer your question, its called doing something good. I witnessed someone, a child, being mistreated and I wanted it to end. I suppose I'm too good. " 

A light smile crossed his face. "Most people always want something from me, sometimes they would make me do things.." His voice trailed, eyes glazed as if trapped in horrifying memories. 

The tub's clear water turned milky once he left the tube. She smiled as he blushed, quickly she covered his body but she couldn't stop thinking about his last words. 

Once he's dressed, she asked. "What do they make you do?" 

Val tried to distract her with another question. Her fingers gently turned his face towards hers as she peered into his eyes. "What is it, please, child tell me." 

Green eyes twinkled with unshed tears. "Do you know what rape is?" He spoke so soft, too softly. Her heart clinched. 


"He's not here anymore, I made sure of it. He's actually died." A voice echoed through her room. A voice she knew too well; Killian's. 

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