1-It happened.

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Emma's POV

I like to think that it hasn't/didn't happen but i still know it did.

It was exactly a year ago to this day when I was at school like the rest of the world when I look down at my phone


I have a text from my friend Anna who says i need to go out into the hallway to meet her.

I go out there to see she is on the floor crying. I ask her what's wrong and the only words she says are

" The boys."

I know exactly what this means the exact moment she says it. I knew it was coming, everyone kept warning me.

I didn't want to believe them of course. He was just gone for a little while right?

I just drop to the ground crying, i didn't know what else to do.

I don't ever remember stop crying. I remember the teacher hearing me and coming to see if i was okay.

Anna of course didn't know what to do she just sat by me making sure i was okay but i wasn't.

At some point in the next hour my dad comes and picks me up, takes me home, and i cried for the next 2 days straight.

I didn't eat anything, I hardly ever drank and all I wanted to do was sit and die.

I sent one text out during this 2 day time frame. That text went to Anna, i felt as if i owed her since she stayed by me while everyone else in the school purposely avoided me.

I only kept thinking 'WHY."

That's the only thing that went through my brain until I finally stopped crying.

But i only stopped crying because I turned mad and confused. I turned mad at him, I turned mad at the other boys, i became confused at why he would do this to everyone, to the boys, to me.

It had been two weeks and I hadn't spoken yet. I feel like crap. Anna started living at my house because she was so worried.

The both of us haven't gone to school yet and I don't plan to anymore for the school year.

We only have finals left and i get pulled out of those anyways since my parents don't like them that much.

I still cry. I needed a break from crying. After crying non-stop for two whole days there were no tears left in me.

I don't know what happened still. Haven't been on my phone in forever and I don't think I even want to go on it.

I would see everyone talking about it and that would just make me more sad. I don't want to leave my room.

After three weeks Anna says she has something important to tell me. She doesn't say it's good or bad, so knowing me I thought it would be good.

But all she tells me is one of our other best friends, Sydney, has died. She committed suicide.

After hearing this I pass out. I didn't know what else to do. Between hearing about z and this I feel like there is no point in living anymore.

All I can think is why, why do these things happen, why have I been put in this position and why in the freaking world did it have to be him.

Yes I think about killing myself, not all the time, but the thoughts are there. and they are there quite a lot.

I get mad at myself and I try to get better, but there is no way I can, I find out that out of our main group of five, it's only me and anna left. And right then and there I knew I couldn't leave because Anna is struggling with this too. I can't and won't leave her.


Author's note-
Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new book PLEASE. It is based on some of a true story of me but not all of it is true. This chapter is mostly true. I wanted to write a book where it wasn't a normal one. Anyways, I will try and update every week, maybe twice or three times a week. But yea! You guys are amazing! Thanks dolls.
xx. ADI <3

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