4- Brokenhearted

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Emma's POV

"Talk to me, say anything, i'm here for you, you can trust me, please tell me what is going through your mind." Says Anna.

She sounds so desperate to know what i'm thinking. Is she that worried about me? I mean I don't want her worrying about me 24/7. Have I been putting her through this much stress this whole time. It is now 3 A.M. and we are just starting this conversation. I take a deep breathe and begin to talk.

"I want to be happy again, I want to know that what Z did and what the boys did was the right choice. I need to know that he is happy. I need to know if the boys are going to carry on just fine. I need to know that zayn won't get mobbed every time he goes outside just because of what he did. I need to know everything. When is the wedding happening?"

Anna looks at me and has that same look on her face as the time when she told me in the hallway. "Anna what?" "Why do you have that look on your face?" She sighs and tells me.

"Zerrie is over. Ended a long time ago. It's done, you need to forget about it." I'm in complete shock to what my best friend just told me. How could she not tell me. Worst of all i am tired.

"Anna what do i do now." She says this in return. "Forget about the boys. Or forget about zayn. One or the other. You need to get in your brain that they were never a band called one direction. One direction is a band with four members in it Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall. And there is a singer named Zayn too. Either way you need to forget about one or the other."

I'm so mad after she says this. How does she expect me to throw away years of my life and pretend like nothing ever happened. How am i supposed to do that and why does she think i can. I'm about ready to scream at her when There is a slight knock at the door.

It can't be my parents, they are out of town for another couple of weeks. So who could it be. I glance at Anna and she just shrugs, meaning she didn't invite anyone over. I get up and open the door.

Its tom. I missed seeing him so much I throw my arms around his neck and give him the biggest hug I possibly could. He doesn't do the same though. I quickly pull away and invite him in. He hasn't talked yet and i'm starting to get worried.

"Anna I need to talk to you and I drove past and saw your car in the driveway. I need to talk to you right now." THAT'S ALL HE SAYS. NOT EVEN A "HEY! HOW ARE YOU? NICE TO SEE YOU!"

"What your going to say to her can be said in front of me too." I say a little too confidently.

"Alright fine." "Emma I can't stand to be your boyfriend anymore. You drive me crazy. I haven't even seen you in awhile and you don't even bother to text or call me. I miss the old you, but this you is annoying, and you're just a dramatic little bitch. I can't be with someone I never see."

Im speechless at this point but I find some words to say. "Tom I freaking trusted you with my feelings. I trusted you with my love, I was there for you through your family divorce and everything

and you treat me like crap."

I look over at Anna who is just staring us down and I expect her to say something mean to him. instead she says "Emma he is right, you never talk to him. Let him leave."

I am speechless and all i can do is run. So i head for the door and go as fast as i can down the street. I dont know where Im going or when ill be back but all i know is im going to keep running.


Hey my lovelies! Thanks for reading. Ill update another chapter tomorrow. Im going to be out of the country all of next week but ill still try and update. Sorry its a little short. Thank for reading. Comment what you want more or less of. Thanks. XX- ADI

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