Chapter 1: You aint shit

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"Girl leave his ass!" my friend Chloe shouted referring to my boyfriend who we had just seen on snapchat of him and another female.

"You know she ain't gone do it or else she would've been left his ass." my friend Ava glumly said, she already didn't like him and I stuck by him always which only pissed her more off.

"No we gone get this shit straightened out." I said, hoping that he would have some type of explanation for that shit.

"This bitch is kissing him on the face, what you mean explanation?! That shit explains itself!" Ava said more then pissed off. I could do better and she knew it so did Chloe.

"Ima just... ima just call him." I looked down at my phone searching my call log for his name, which was the 3rd one down. I pressed on the name that said "daddy" he had put it as that, but I felt that was about to change.

"Hello?" Ki answered in his sexy ass voice making me hope even more that it was an explanation.

"Ki," I started off angrily. "Why is some bitch kissing you on your cheek in their snap?" I cut my words short and tried to sound as mad as possible. There was a long pause before he finally answered,

"What bitch?" he sounded confused. I put him on mute as Ava did what I thought she would.

"What bitch?!" she asked sounding so angry. She looked at me with a face playing all her words, "if you don't break up with him now I'm done with you" her face read. I just shook my head, I took him off mute.

"What bitch?" I laughed cutting off my words. "I'm really done with you, like after all this shit we been threw you wouldn't at least lay low you just obvious. Shit shows you have no respect for me."

"Where you at?" Ki asked completely ignoring everything I said. I laughed spitefully and shook my head knowing it was about that time.

Me and Ki had been together for 2 years, no breaks and he cheated on me over 10 times. Sometimes with the same bitch, sometimes with random females. I had loved him with all my heart, he said he cheated because I wouldn't have sex with him. Sometimes he got tired of head, he would say. I tried the whole "only the tip" thing with him and almost wind up losing my virginity. He said he couldn't do a relationship with no sex a year ago. I agreed to he could get his personal needs off but if I found out I was done. Well.... I found out about 10 times and stayed with his ass. Our whole relationship was based off fights and arguments, he said that he truly loves me but his actions always showed otherwise. I was completely and totally in-denial.

"Fuck you." I said hanging up my phone.

"Don't say that if you don't mean that." Chloe said already knowing what it was, she felt for me. She understood how much I loved him, she was kinda in the same situation. But she gave the cookies up after 2 years and surprisingly it worked. Her and her boyfriend was almost together for 3 whole years, sense we were seniors in high school. Now we were grown and out of college and they're still rocking together, that's what I hoped for. But I got stuck with the dick head, Chloe's boyfriend, Chris, was the one who got me and Ki together. They were best friends, that's why Chloe didn't hate him as much as Ava did.

"I do mean it." I thought then spoke. " I mean not that Ima do shit about it right?" I looked at Ava and rolled my eyes and she rolled her eyes right back at me.

"I think Ima bout to leave." Ava got up and started grabbing her stuff.

"Av, cmon babe you gotta understan-" Ava cut Chloe off.

"What do I have to understand?! That both of my best friends are some weak bitches?" Ava was infuriated, she had went threw one heartbreak and turned cold. She always tried to warn me and Chloe but that didn't stop the fact that her words hurt. I looked at Ava and felt my attitude coming so I went to the bathroom and before slamming the door shouted.

"Get the fuck out my house!"

"I move when I want!" Ava shouted back but then left, Chloe having to leave as well because Ava was her ride.

"I love you!" Chloe shouted threw the door loud enough for me to hear. I took a deep breath being able to get an "I love you too" out before breaking down crying. I waited till my front door slammed before I let the sobs start rip out of me.

I slid down my door onto my bathroom floor with my head on my knees. My heart was hurting, I had known Ava and Chloe since pre-K, we brought our moms together and they turned into best friends as well. Those were my
forreal ride or dies if I had no one else I knew I had them. I was hurt right now though and didn't want to do anything but cry and eat ice cream.

Then what Ava said hit me like a brick wall, I got up and looked in the mirror putting my hands on the sink, I stared into my blood shot eyes with tears streaming down my face.

"Fuck him!" I shouted to myself in the mirror trying to convince my own self.

"He's a piece of shit you can do better!" I tried to encourage myself but couldn't bring myself to the fact of leaving him causing me to break down again. I gripped onto my sink looking down in it, knowing I looked really ugly right about now. I wipe my tears then tried it again taking a deep breath.

"On to the fucking next." I smiled at myself trying to push away the sadness. I took my wash cloth and washed my face then walked out of my bathroom rushing down the stairs when I heard a knock at my front door.

"What did you fucking forget bitch?" I asked opening my front door thinking it was Ava or Chloe then gasped in shock. at who it actually was.

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