Chapter 10: Parenthood

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Elijah's P.O.V.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I thought to myself as I rushed down the road to the hospital, Dreyya was crying and screaming and freaking out which only freaked me out more. I had one kid but she was expected on her due date, this scared the hell out of me. What if one of our babies came out messed up... All because I couldn't keep my dick in my pants, I felt sick to my stomach I was filled with fear. I had to stay strong for Dreyya though I didn't want to make her think of all the possibilities that could become reality from premature babies. I remember when I went with Ashlee, the mother to my son and they explain everything. Heart defects, not being all the way formed, I mean Dreyya was only a month early but it still scared me.

"Slow the fuck down!" she screamed as I swerved from almost hitting another car. I didn't do that screaming shit but circumstances allowed it. We finally pulled up to the hospital I carried her in asking for a wheelchair, the nurses moved faster then I had thought they would. They were hooking her up to all these machines and shit, I just sat there holding her hand as she cried in pain. I just hoped my babies were okay.


I pushed with all my might as I felt as though my sides were being turned inside out, my vagina had hurt so bad. I could feel tearing, I could feel it all, it had been too late to get an epidural. I tried to breathe instead of scream, as the doctor had said, but this was the worst pain I had ever felt.

"One more big push." the doctor had commanded, this was like my 10th time pushing.

"How many times do I have to- AHHHHH." I shouted as I felt a giant item push its way through my vagina.

"Your beautiful baby boy is here." The doctor smiled wiping Drey off and handing him to me,
I held him in my arms. He was beautiful, I could tell he was going to be my everything. I sniffled as tears grew in the wails of my eyes looking up to see Elijah crying as well. I handed Drey to him as I still had to push Nomi, I held onto his gown the doctors had made him put on along with Avas hand quickly getting Nomi out. This part didn't hurt as much, idk if it was because my vagina had already went numb or because she was so small. I smiled once I had her in my arms and bawled my eyes out. I was so happy, my babies were finally here, I let Ava cut Nomi's cord and Elijah cut Drey's of course. I could finally eat and made Elijah run to checkers to get my food. I also fed my babies who I know we're also starving, I tried to feed them at the same time. As they were so tiny and could both fit in my arms. Elijah had came back after what felt like hours with my food, I didn't want to put my babies down but he knew I had to eat. He took them both handing Drey to Ava, having his bonding time with his first daughter. I quickly ate my food, there fries were so good, I usually got full easily but I wolfed my burger and fries down. Elijah had got me a chocolate shake, I sipped on that as the doctors ran tests on my babies. I was so happy for them to be here finally, we had to wait for the babies to poop and pee before we could leave.

Drey was already on a role, he pooped the second day we were there along with pee. Nomi didn't give out till the 3rd day at 12 in the morning, the doctors asked if we wanted to stay because it was so late, but I just wanted to get home. I took the pads and pain pills they gave me bundling my babies up. Elijah helped, going to the car to get the car seats and putting the babies in. I carried Nomi and he carried Drey, she was so light even in the car seat, once we were all in the car he drove carefully to the house. I laughed to myself, he was going to be overprotective I could already see it. Once we got to the house we played with the babies for a little while before I put them to sleep. Me and Elijah hadn't slept since they were born, we'll go a very little bit of it. I didn't want to do anything but go to sleep, I plopped down on the bed next to Elijah. We had put the cribs in our room, Elijah had finished painting them in his spare time of me being in the hospital but I still thought it was too soon. Though the paint was harmless, I still wanted to be safe of the fresh paint.

Elijah rolled onto me, I wanted nothing more badly then to suck his dick right about now. Or anything to please him, but my sleepiness took over me and before I knew it I was knocked TF out. I had maybe got what felt like an our of sleep before I was woke by shrill crying. I started to get up till I was put back down,

"I got it." Elijah said getting out the bed and going to get the baby out of the crib. I looked up to see it was Nomi's small figure crying, I hoped she hadn't woken her brother. Even if Elijah could handle them at the same time I wouldn't allow it. Seeing as though it was one baby I quickly dosed back off. I slept peacefully, I dreamed of my future with my babies father. We were going to have a beautiful wedding, maybe even more kids. We would have our fights but always snap right back to each other, I watched as fate showed me Elijah was ment for me and only me. There was no other men in the dream, nor women with him. Just me him and our kids, I felt like smiling, I might have even smiled in my dream. Until it was interrupted by yet another screaming cry, I groaned waking up and getting out of bed. This was going to be fun, I thought to myself, my  life was no longer mine it was now controlled by two human beings who could neither talk or walk yet. Who probably didn't even have a mindset yet, I prepared myself for this future. I wasn't ready for it but I would go through it, I would raise my children as best I could and keep my man as I was doing already. I had my whole life planned and it would go the way I wanted it to as fate showed, or was fate lying?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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