Chapter 7: Time to put big girl panties on.

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After me and Elijah had our first moment we were inseparable, we argued over petty stuff but that only turned into beautiful makeup sex.

"Babe," Elijah called to me from his car, we had just got done with the groceries. He had basically moved in since I lived by myself and we had our own place.

"Yes?" I asked walking over to him, he handed me the bags that had the bread and eggs in it grabbing the rest by himself. I walked to my door and opened it, Mike T ran to the door barking. He was just getting used to the new house, it had been almost a month since me and Elijah had been living together. I walked into the house all the way till the table, placing groceries there before I realized I had something on my shoe. I put my foot up and saw dog shit on it, then the fumes hit my nose. I ran to Mike T and smack the hell out of him causing him to yelp, Elijah came in with all the groceries also stepping in shit. He looked at me when I seeing I was pissed,

"What's wrong?" he asked standing there with all the groceries. I begin to take my shoes off and pointed with the shoe that wasn't shitty at where he was standing at.

"Look down." I added on.

"On fuck!" he yelled when realizing he stepped in shit. "I had forgot to walk him."

"Take him out!" I said screamed angrily. Elijah's eyebrows furrowed down, he looked at me with a stern look. My emotions had been off all this week, I would have said it was my period but I hadn't got it yet.

"Calm the fuck down." he spoke before walking to the kitchen, grabbing a napkin and cleaning the feces up. He snatched my shoe out his hand along with the one he had stepped in pooped with and cleaned them off outside leaving them there. He than came back in and washed his hands as I was putting away groceries, it was silent. I looked at him sitting down at the kitchen table once done with putting away groceries. I placed my hands on my hips and stood Infront of him looking down at him.

"You got something to say? I can feel your attitude."

"When was the last time you had your period?" he asked looking up at me. I thought about it then looked back at him, it had almost been a month. I thought it might have been the birth control I was on that was messing with my period, but it didn't start this early. He then pulled something out his pocket and handed it to me.

"Hear, go take this." he demanded. I snatched it out his hand and walked to the downstairs bathroom taking the pregnancy test out of its packet. Ava was pregnant, she had found out when she was getting normal symptoms, morning sickness, mood swings. I was only pissed off all the time, no morning sicknesses. I took a deep breath before being on the stick, if this nigga got me pregnant I was going to kill him. I though to myself as I peed on the stick then placed it on the sink. It said to wait 2 minutes, I did just that and thought about how ironic that would be if both me and Ava were pregnant at the same time. I looked over after what felt like 5 minutes, just to be sure the test results had enough time to sink in. My heart sinked as I looked at the big window which displayed my answer, I looked in the box, there was another one. I quickly grabbed it forcing myself to pee, Elijah walked in,

"What does it say?" he asked, I ignored him putting the second one on the counter.

"Dreyya, what the fuck does it say?" he spoke through clenched teeth, I ignored him as tears filled up in the well of my eyes. Relationships like this never end good I thought to myself once seeing the window of the 2cd pregnancy test matched with first. "PREGNANT" it read in bold letters, I don't know why I was so upset, I was scared. We were not ready to be parents, well... I wasn't anyway. I threw them both at him getting up off the toilet quickly wiping and walked out the bathroom. Elijah picked up the pregnancy tests already knowing the results, he followed me up the stairs to my room. Shouting when I almost layed on my stomach, I wasn't thinking about it at first. I quickly turned on my back, Elijah walked in the room and tried to sit next to me on the bed, he reached to cup my chin and I turned my head from him.

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