Second Chances

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Madison's answer to Parker was, "Yes." Just as they start to talk again, Madison's Grandma calls up the stairs to Madison; "Honey, you have a visitor!" She tells Parker goodbye and walks down the stairs.

Madison opens the door. Its Garret. Anger stirs inside of her. Why would he even have the nerve to come here? "I'm busy.", she says and tries to shut the door. He puts his hand in between the door and refuses to let her close it. "Wait. Why would you cheat on me and who's Parker?" How could he say this? He was KISSING ALLISON! "Listen here. I don't know who you think you are! But I saw you kissing Allison White! You lied to to me!" "No. You have it all wrong! I saw your Instagram status! Madison is getting even madder now. " I didn't change anything! "Oh, Really? Let me see it!" "Ok, Fine!" She pulls her phone out of her pocket and pulls up Instagram. "See!, she says. "You tried to put this all on me!" "It said Parker I swear!" "How do you know?", she yells at him! "ALLISON TOLD ME!" This makes Madison tear up. She can't believe he trusted her! "WELL, I GUESS ITS ALL ABOUT ALLISON NOW!" She runs inside and slams the door.

Gianna is watching the whole argument from her window. "Yeah!", she yells. "They're done for good!" She calls Parker to tell him the final results of the plan. "Hey.", he says. "Whats up?". "They're are broken up for good! She says to him. " they just had a huge fight on Madison's front porch." "Really?", he says. Just as Parker starts to speak, his phone receives a text from Angela. It says, "Can we talk honey?", . Parker starts to text her back when a screaming voice Interrupts him. " HELLO?!?, Gianna screams at him through the phone. "Oh... Uh.., sorry he.", he stammers and hangs up the phone. He continues to text Angela." Yeah. Sure", he responds. She texts back immediately. "My parents are gonna be away this weekend! Wanna party?" "Sure,", he says. "My parents will be gone to. Just Invite everyone to my place!" "Cool," she says. "Ttyl."

Meanwhile...... Madison is walking up her stairs in tears. How could he accuse me of this? She thinks to herself. What a jerk. She goes up to her room and slams the door. Then, a thought occurs to her. Why doesn't she go to Parker's house this weekend?

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