Chapter Fifteen

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Six days passed by quickly, my day was taken up by training now, from 6 am to 6 pm I was learning hand to hand combat, getting into physical shape, learning how to shoot a gun(which I was surprisingly good at), and how to scale buildings. In England, since there was no one around but dead bodies, we got the chance to be free and act like complete children. The guards had taken it upon themselves to learn acrobatic stunts, like flips, leaps, and jumps to do around London. I had been learning it for six days and I was already getting good at it. We called it "Tandomi" which was probably the best word for it.

I had already grown stronger since training started, both physically and mentally. I was learning to channel my anger towards the United States government to help my motivation and it was working wonders. Especially since Darren was my mentor and was teaching me how to direct my anger at President Thane and the United States government.

Darren led us up a long staircase of metal stairs that clinked as our boots hit them, he explained that since this place was built over eighty years ago, it didn't have the best technology. I didn't care, I barely listened, all I wanted was to get to the surface. Nova had sent us up with a task: we had pile all the RD15 victim bodies in a barren field right outside London and burn them. England was our home now and being able to walk freely in London without decomposing bodies would certainly make our lives easier. We weren't wearing hazmat suits, just the black guard uniforms for the Immunity, that consisted of a bullet proof chest plate, black trousers and a black short sleeve shirt. The plan was to spend all day collecting the bodies, then return day after day until we finished the job. I was mentally preparing myself for seeing all those rotted bodies. Darren finally stopped at the top of the stairs and we gathered around him, "Okay guards, prepare yourselves, this is going to be a hard task, but you're all strong. We can do this."

He pushed the door open and a blinding light hit us, as did the fresh air but it was polluted by the smell of decomposing bodies. I scrunched up my nose instinctively, struggling not to gag. Darren seemed unfazed, "Okay, Ivan, Cal, start left, find a big tractor trailer and fill it with bodies, bring them to the field that Nova told us about, okay?" The two men nodded and headed off at a jog. Darren watched them then turned to Ryker and I, "The three of us will start right, okay?"

We both nodded and followed Darren to a nearby parking garage, hoping to find a tractor trailer. We searched for about twenty minutes before we found a big Mac truck with a 53 foot trailer attached. Darren hot wired the truck and it roared to life. Ryker and I shared a surprised look, then turned to look at Darren, who looked between the two of us, smiling, "What? I've learned a few things in my time, now hop in kiddos, Daddy's taking you for a ride."

I laughed, shaking my head and hopped in the right side, moving over until I was sitting in between the driver and passenger seats, Ryker got in and sat beside me in the passenger seat. Darren hopped in the drivers seat and pressed on the gas pedal a little too hard, causing the truck to jerk forward too quickly, slamming into a few cars and causing all three of us to slam our heads on the dashboard. Darren had a small cut on his head after that, it was slightly bleeding but wasn't too bad. I reached over and wiped it with the hem of my shirt, "Maybe press lighter on the gas," I gently suggested.

Darren grumbled something I couldn't hear and pressed lightly on the pedal, and the truck slowly eased its way out of the parking garage. We headed down the street to where we started and saw Ivan and Cal lifting bodies into their own tractor trailer. I watched for a second as they disappeared into a house and returned minutes later lugging a rotted body out, and the rotting wasn't decomposition.

Ryker bumped me, "Come on Phoebe, let's get a move on."

I nodded and got out after he hopped down, we headed into the nearest house after Darren and began looking through the house for bodies, I was assigned to cover the downstairs, Darren had upstairs, and Ryker had the basement, or whatever English people called it. I found no body down stairs, and I searched every room, I was just about to yell when I heard Ryker's voice, "Found one!"

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