Chapter Nine

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It's been two and a half months since I started to suspect Darren but I've been acting like everything is okay between us. My suspicions had grown to everyone in SMS about two months ago, and when I told Shawn about how much I didn't trust anyone here, he had agreed that something wasn't right. I had tried to get answers through Darren by asking discrete questions, but either he didn't know much or he was very good at keeping secrets. I finally decided that I would have to do something stupid in order to get the answers I wanted. The only problem was that I was eight and a half months pregnant and there wasn't much I could physically do at this point.

I was a little too big for only being eight and a half months pregnant, like I had swallowed three watermelons whole. I could only stand for a short amount of time and my swollen feet just made walking worse. I was loosing sleep, too, it was growing impossible to get comfortable lately. So I lay awake, Shawn asleep beside me, his soft snoring that usually lulled me to sleep was keeping me awake. I propped myself up on my elbows since my overly round stomach preventing me from sitting up straight anymore, and looked around the darkened room, there was a light switch but it was halfway across the room next to the big steel door. I was too lazy to get up because of the huge effort it would take for me to get there just to see more clearly. I carefully scooted over to the edge of the bed, grabbed the remote and swung my legs over the side of the bed so my feet touched the floor.

I clicked the remote on and a soft blue light flooded the room. I panicked and looked behind me at Shawn, then relaxed once I realized that he was sleeping soundly. I looked at the four apps on the remote, touched the clock and checked the time. It was only two o'clock in the morning, I was hoping it was like 5am or something.

I watched the time tick by as I held the remote flat on the left palm on my hand, using my right hand to touch the holographic images hovered above the thin device. I noticed something on the bottom of the screen, something I never noticed before. It was a small white dot the size of a small raindrop, and it was well hidden in the background of the holograph. I touched it and it went to a screen with a small box that requested a password, I typed in my best guess: "Thaneisthebest" but it was incorrect, so I tried again, "Marcusloveshismommy". Still incorrect, then I remembered something about the President that I sure was what was his password, so I typed it in: "Iwillruletheworld" and a different screen opened to two files. One was labeled, "RD15" and the other was "The Cure".

I enlarged the file marked RD15 and began to read the long paragraph: "We did animal trails on the the cure for skin disease, as you assigned us; but the cure for skin disease that was tested on rats was mutated. The mutation was caused by the filth and bacteria that the rats were in, once the cure that was injected got mixed with certain bacteria - the disease RD15 was born. We are unsure of what bacteria was mixed with the cure for skin disease but when we tried to dispose of the disease we had created, it spread to some of our men. We quarantined the facility but it was too late, some men that had shifts earlier that day had left, they died before reaching their apartments and mosquitos got a hold of them. After that, it spread from were our facility was stationed in Europe to Asia, Africa, Australia, and South. By our calculations, it should reach Northern Canada in a few months. There is no stopping it, I'm afraid."
Dr. Henry Herman

I received this message in perfect time, and I have decided we will build a wall, that's the only way we will ever survive. I'll start brainstorming with the top engineers in the country, we will keep out this disease until the scientists can figure out how to stop it.

I stared at the holograph in horror, the United States had done this? President Thane created this? This was all his fault, and just in case something went wrong, he had these scientists set up a facility in Europe so they all would be killed first. I lifted my arm to throw the remote at the wall in anger, but I hesitated, remembering that there was still one more file left. I tapped out of the RD15 file and tapped the one labeled, "The Cure" I began to read: "We have found the cure. The young woman we inseminated yesterday has the cure growing inside of her as of 5 o'clock this morning. We will keep her sedated for a month, to figure out what we will need to remove in order to get the cure out of her. We need more than just the female and male so we quickly decided on reproducing the cure.
Update: After almost a month of research we have figured out that we need to take bone marrow, blood cells, kidneys, some major arteries, and parts of their stomachs. The male, female, and their child will all die in the process I'm afraid. We will tell the female that we just need blood cells and pray she has no medical or scientific training. Let's hope this works!"

I stared at the screen, then placed a hand over my stomach, they were planning on killing all of us. The screen suddenly blacked and I panicked, realizing that they were going to catch me. I quickly set it on the bedside table as I heard footsteps approaching the door. As fast as my huge belly would allow, I crawled back to Shawn and cuddled into him just as the steel door slammed open. I pretended to be shocked and startled when five guards stormed into the room, flicking on the lights. I wasn't sure if my reaction sold it but Shawn's did. He lurched up and jumped off the bed, screaming a bit, staring at the guards with wide electric blue eyes full of shock. He was just in his boxers, which probably made it seem like we were innocently sleeping in the bed together, I stared at them, propping myself up on my elbows, "Can we help you?" I growled at them, using the anger I had gathered from reading the information about what was planned for Shawn, me, and our child.

The guard in the front shouldered his gun, lowering it and looking at from me to Shawn. He cleared his throat, his eyes lingering a little too long at Shawn in his boxers, "Nothing major, we've just had a security breech."

The President himself waltzed in, his hair slicked back with a pretty large amount of gel that he could sell and feed to every starving person in his country. He looked at me, then at Shawn, his eyebrow raised. He looked my boyfriend up and down, raising his eyebrow slightly, "Shawn Carter, why the hell are you naked?"

"I-I like sleeping..." He looked away from the President's intense gaze, "In my boxers."

I interrupted the two men with a grunt, "Why are you interrupting our rest? It can't be time for that walk, is it?"

"No, Phoebe, it's almost three in the morning, we had a security breech and we were just making sure that nobody had come in," President Thane explained carefully.

Meaning that you were making sure no one had kidnapped us.

I looked at him, channeling all the anger I had at him, "Well, we are still here, all safe and sound. Now could you please go? I'm exhausted and I need sleep."

Marcus Thane looked at me, saw the bags that were under my eyes a lot lately and nodded, "Come on, boys, back to your posts."

All the guards filed out, followed by the President, who smiled at me, then looked at my stomach with that same hungry look. Then without another word, he shut the steel door, leaving Shawn and I alone. I felt the emotions inside of me build up until I couldn't take it, I started to cry. Despite being all hormonal pregnant, I hadn't cried in months and I forgot how good it felt.

Shawn crawled up next to me, wrapping his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest, "We're going to die," I sobbed to him

"What? No Phoebe they are going to let us go once they extract blood cells," he told me softly.

I shook my head and whispered through my sobs, "I was the security breech, Shawn. There was this button on the remote and-" I started crying harder, my words getting hiccuped as I tried to speak, "Pres-ident Thane started the dis-ease, it's his fault! He-s planning on kil-ling all three of us, taking bone mar-row, all our blood cells, everything!"

He didn't speak for a while and I looked up at him, he was staring at me in shock. Then his face morphed into anger, "The President gave us false promises? He lied to his country? The worst promise and lie was to us, that we would be able to live!"

Shawn sighed and looked down at me, his angered expression softening into love as he wiped my tears away and planted his lips on mine. He broke away and held my face in between his hands, "We need to get out of here."

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