9: I Have Feelings For Someone Else

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Justin's POV

I have strong feelings for Zeydae. Ever since she became my songwriter I can't seem to take my mind off her. She's so beautiful. She's amazing. I have never met someone as cool as her. She's basically one of the guys. She acts just like us. That's what makes all of us like her.

Selena was never like that. She always wanted me to herself. She never wanted me to hang out with my friends. It would always be just me and her. I mean I didn't mind it cause she's my girlfriend but I still wanted time to hang with my boys.

I feel wrong liking Zeydae so much and dating Selena. Its stressing me out. I don't know who to choose. My mind is telling me Selena but my heart is telling me Zeydae. When Zeydae broke up with her boyfriend Nash I was happy as fuck. I was thinking I finally have a chance.

I decided to go on Twitter. I haven't been on in a while and I know my fans miss me. I went on Twitter and saw one of my fans posted a picture of me and Zeydae.

@Ilovejb- They look so cute together don't you think? #Jaydae #Maybe? #TheyShouldDate

I was actually surprised. I didn't think my fans would think me and Zeydae should date. Then all of a sudden I saw that #Jaydae was the #1 topic trending on Twitter. It shocked the fuck out of me. I decided to post a tweet.

@justinbieber- Awww I like how all of you guys think we should date! Its cute! #Jaydae #YouNeverKnowMaybe #HavingMixedFeelingsTho

My Twitter went crazy. Some people saying yes they should absolutely date, cute couple, what happened to Selena?, why mixed feelings Justin what's wrong you can tell us, We will always love you no matter who you date (even though we want you to date Z)

I laughed at their comments. When I read the comment about Selena, I honestly didn't know what to say. I had no words for that and I still don't.
Recently on Twitter have been doing surveys if they should do something or not. Like Austin Mahone posted a survey if he should get a nose piercing or not. So I'm gonna do one but I'm gonna put if I should date Zeydae or Selena.

@justinbieber- Ok guys I'm going to put up and survey and I want you all to vote ok!? Love you all so much! #ILoveMyBeliebers

I posted the survey and decided to wait a couple hours to see what my fans put.

(5 hours later)

I was chilling on the couch in the studio and decided to look at the survey I posted on Twitter. When I saw the final results I almost fell off the couch.

Zeydae: 92%

Selena: 8%

I almost couldn't breath. I then looked at a tweet one of my fans posted.

@jaydae_love- I think everyone picked Z because first off let's be real she's freaking gorgeous! Secondly look at the strong bond they have. They're inseparable. Lastly when Justin is with Sel he doesn't look too happy, but when he's with Z he looks like he's having the time of his life. He looks so happy! And we love seeing our Justy happy!

I couldn't of said it better than she did. She basically said everything I was thinking. I definitely have to tweet her.

@justinbieber- @jaydae_love You couldn't have said it better than me. You basically said everything I was thinking. Thank you I love you sweetie! #ThankYouMyLovelyBelieber #LoveYou

I couldn't keep in my feelings any longer I have decided what I wanna do.

"Hey babe"

"Hey Selena"

"What's wrong J?"

"Look Selena I'm gonna keep it straight forward with you ok"

"Uh ok"

"I Have Feelings For Someone Else"


"Yes Selena I'm sorry I'm doing this to you again. I love you But I'm not in love with you. I'm in love with Zeydae"

"You've done this to me again. And you know what Justin, I break up with you! I break up with you!"

"Selena I'm sorry. I just wanna be happy with someone I actually love. I mean I love you and always will but I love Zeydae more"

"Ok Justin. I can't be mad. But it's ok. I love you too and I'm just gonna be happy with whoever you decide and you have decided Z. You two look cute together anyway"

"Ok Selena. I'm sorry once again. Thank you for supporting me through this decision. I love you Selena never forget that. You were my first real love and that will never change. I will always love you. Never forget that ok?"

"Ok. I love you too. Tell Z I said hi. I like her anyway"

"Haha ok I love ya bye"

"Love ya too bye" And with that we ended our conversation. I actually wasn't expecting her to be that supporting of me breaking her heart again. But Selena has never been the person to be mad at what or who I decide and that's one of the reasons I love her.

I Have Feelings For Someone Else

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