16: I'm Done!

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Zeydae's POV

My heart felt like it no longer worked. I felt like I couldn't breath. He did this to me. After all the things we've done together. After the awesome album we just made. I thought we had something. But clearly we didn't.

I watched as Selena saw us and screamed. Justin then scrammed off of her. He turned around and made eye contact with my sister most likely thinking it was me. I couldn't dare to look at him anyway. I turned my head straight towards Selena. I wanted so badly to beat the fuck out of her but she didn't have clothes on, so I'll wait til the relationship ruiner puts clothes on.

"Zeydae I can explain!" He said to my sister.

"THAT'S MY SISTER YOU ASSHOLE!" My sister said to him while pointing at me. I just kept looking at Selena. I knew if I even glanced at him, I would start crying. And right now isn't the time to start that crying bullshit.

"Zeydae please I'm-"

"Don't fucking talking to me Justin! I swear! I'm warning you" I told him while still watching Selena who was putting her clothes on.

"Why do you keep watching me?" She asked in a blank tone of voice.

"Really? You really wanna ask me that?"

"Uh yeah"

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I lunged at her and hit her right in the mouth. I kept repeatedly hitting her. I wasn't gonna stop until I see blood coming from somewhere.

"Zeydae stop!" I heard Justin say.

"Don't fucking tell her to stop! And don't you dare touch my sister! I got her!" I heard my sister yell at Justin. I love my sister. She knew Selena deserved every punch I was giving her.

I then felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. I knew it was Justin. My sister is strong but not as strong as Justin. Plus I knew what his arms felt like anyway.

I got off Selena and I saw that I broke her nose and it was bleeding. I was breathing heavily and I felt tears coming down my face.

I turned around and punched Justin in the mouth. He stumbled back and cluthed his bottom lip. When he removed his hand from his lip it was bleeding. I didn't really care if I hurt him. I was just so heated that I didn't care about who I hit.


"No Justin! How the fuck could you do this to me? Out of all people me?!"

"Zeydae I was drunk! I felt weird! I know what feeling drunk feels like but I felt a different feeling! I passed out! Then somehow ended up having sex with her!"

"But when you woke up you could've seen it was her!"

"Yeah but-"

"But fucking nothing Justin! You know what! Fuck you! Don't fucking touch, talk, or contact me again!" I yelled in his face.

"And for you! Get the fuck out! And if I ever come across you again, I'll fuck you up! Now get out before I give you some more! And this time I won't stop til I break something else!" I yelled at Selena who was standing in the corner. She ran so fast flinching when she ran passed  me. My sister followed her downstairs.

"Zeydae please! I'm begging you!"

"I don't give a fuck! I'm Done! Our relationship is strictly work related! Don't call me or talk to me about anything else! I loved you Justin! But now I feel nothing! You had sex with her! Why? It doesn't even matter! I'm not gonna be like Selena! She kept coming back! But me Justin, I'm not gonna keep coming back! Bye Justin! I'll see you at the studio"

"Zeydae please"

I ran out of the room and into my room. I couldn't stay here. I'm gonna stay with my sister for as long as she's here.

I'm packing everything. Everything I need to last.

"You ok?" I heard my sister say while hugging me.

"Yeah I'm ok. How long are you staying for?"

"Surprisingly I'm staying for a month"

"Oh wow. Ok cool, do you mind if I stay with you while your here?"

"Of course! I'll help you pack"

We started packing basically everything. All my clothes, my shoes, my jewelry, and my necessities. I'm completely heartbroken.

He told me he would never hurt me. But look at what just happened. He hurt me.

I'm not gonna let Justin repeat the same process he did with Selena, with me. That's not happening. He kept breaking her heart and she kept being dumb as fuck and kept taking him back. That's not happening with me at all. I'm not gonna keep taking Justin back. He messed up. I just broke up with Nash like 3 months ago, and now I'm breaking up with my idol.

I can't keep going through heartbreak. I'm Done!

My sister and I packed my things and put them in the car.

"Zeydae please! Please don't do this to me! I love you!" I heard Justin say behind me. His voice was hoarse and it was cracking. I knew he was crying. I couldn't bare to see him cry. So I just hopped in the passenger seat. I saw him run to the car.

"Zeydae please don't leave! Please! I know what I did was dumb but please hear me out! Your the love of my life! I was drunk! I shouldn't have let her talk me into having another drink! I'm sorry! Just please don't leave me Zeydae!" He pleaded with his head inside the car. I had to look at him.

When I looked at him, I started to cry. I knew if I kept looking at him that I would give in. And I absolutely couldn't let that happen. I looked in his eyes and saw nothing but regret and sadness.

I gave his lips one last kiss. I knew that it'll give me some reassurance that I can finally let him go.

"Goodbye Justin" I told him. And he backed up so we could leave. My sister looked at me and I nodded my head. We pulled off leaving Justin standing outside crying. It hurt me to leave him, but I knew it was what I had to do.


Selena's POV

Yes! My plan worked. I needed to get Zeydae to break up with Justin. And tricking him to have sex with me was the best way to get her to break up with him. I knew she'd come home and see us having sex. That was the best part.

I wasn't happy that she basically beat the fuck out of me. But I didn't care about her beating me up. I only cared about getting her and Justin to break up.

I was standing behind a tree watching everything go down. Justin pleading for her to stay and saying sorry and stuff. It was ridiculous and pathetic.

Nash is standing by waiting for Zeydae to go crawling back to him. Which I do think is gonna happen.

He's gonna wait a week or so before he goes and see her. That'll make it better for him to win her heart back.

Poor Justin. His so called "Love of his Life" just left him because of me. I like that.

I'll see you soon Jay.

I just want people to know that I have nothing against Selena! I love her! She is one of the most beautiful and caring person ever. So I have nothing against her. So if your a Selenator, I'm sorry if this chapter offended you. It wasn't meant to offend anyone. I absolutely love Selena. She's amazing and talented. I love you Selena!!

#Stay Beautiful

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