Chapter Ten

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It's been nearly an hour since the announcement of our trip to town. At the moment, I'm in my room with Ashton. He's still holding tight to the sand colored teddy bear- which I recently found out belonged to Ricky, but he kindly let Ashton take it. I held him in my arms, his tan arms a strong contrast to my permanent paleness. "Are you going to be okay? I know Chris is staying with you, but if you need anything, let him now. Got it?"

"Yep. Chris loves me; which means he makes me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all I want!" His eyes grew to the size of saucers at the thought of PB & J. Goddess, I love Ashton. I smile and hold his thin face in my hands.

"I love you too. I'll be back shortly. I'm getting us some new clothes; and if I see any, i'll get you a toy. You have to be good though."

"I will! I want a Power Rangers toy Kell! Or Spiderman!" He flung the teddy bear in the air as if it was Superman and caught it coming down. I giggled and kissed his forehead lovingly.

"Whatever I can manage. See you later kiddo." Heading out the door, I nod to Chris and meet Ashley outside by the horses.

"Hey Ashley. Which one are we taking?" I pet the closest one. A beautiful white mare with one grey spot on the left hind leg.

"The one you're petting. TJ said her name is Comanche."

"I love that name! Especially for such a beautiful creature. Hey, do you have any war paint with you?" Ashley nods and walks off to get his war paint. I couldn't resist. When you're from Indian heritage, you have to let it out. He walks back to me, extending the small jar to me. I open it and begin to draw a circle around Comanche's eyes.

*****Fifteen Minutes Later: 5:20 a.m.******

I sat on Comanche, bow in my lap and arrows at my side. Ashley held the reigns and sat closely behind me. I look to my right and see that Jet and Angelo were prepped with a shotgun and a bow and arrows. Jake sat in the driver's seat, the bus coming to life at a simple turn of the key. Balz wolf whistled from atop the bus and everyone set into motion.

It took us mere minutes to reach the backside of town. Ash had directed us into an alley that would keep the bus and horses incognito while we practically shop lifted. Ashley helped me get down from Comanche (she's huge!) and we kept our weapons at the ready. Being the type of people we are, most of us either found the Hottopic or the Spencer's first. Balz, Chey, Ash, Ricky, Jinxx, and I were in Hottopic. Chey held up a cute outfit, but quickly mentioned it would be too tight and revealing; upon which I agreed.

"Well, the tighter the better. We don't want to give the walkers something to grab on to." Ash said knowingly. She picked the suit back up, along with two others. She prodded them in our faces and said, "Try them on."

The thing with Ash is, you tell her no and she'll rip your organs out in alphabetical order. I gulped and grabbed the Underworld looking outfit from her grasp. Chey and I stepped into the changing room, giving each other reassuring glances. I dared a glance in the full body mirror, we looked good. I was a bit nervous, considering my boobs were too big to button the top three notches of the spandex suit.

"Are you done?" Ash knocked on the wood softly.

"Make the guys leave." Chey demanded.

"Fine." A pause, shuffling feet, and a few complaints. "They're gone."

We took a deep breath and stepped out. I was too busy trying to fix the cleavage issue while Chey was busy slapping my stomach. "What?"

"Look." Her voice was hoarse. My eyes trailed to Balz, Jinxx, Ricky, and Ash, all staring conveniently at our attire.

"Dear Godddess! Ash! You said they left!" I whined, flailing my hands like the drama queen I tend to be. Balz whistled and gave me an approving nod.

"I fucking love it." He licked his lips and I caught his eyes focusing below my face. Perv.

"Here. These look about your sizes." Jinxx pushed forth two shoe boxes. The contents were beyond drool worthy. Charlotte Russe spiked boots that buckled to the knees were inside. I dropped to the floor and quickly shoved them on, not caring about the suit anymore. Chey seemed to feel the same. I saw Ash from the corner of my eye step from the dressing room, now in the same suit as Chey and I were. I laughed, thinking we'd be the perfect Charlie's Angels, all dressed in a kick ass/sexy outfit, ready to kill. I stood and reached for a leather skull printed bag hanging from the shelf to my right, filling it with jewelry and clothes. I saw a Spiderman toy and slippers, grabbing them and thanking the Heavens for having it on hand. "Why'd you change?" Chey looked at Ricky and back at her new outfit.

"Because, leather never suits me. I can't stand it." She waved her hand in dismissal and walked to the back wall. Ricky followed close behind, grabbing the occasional item that caught his eye.

"I'm going upstairs." Balz whispered in my ear, his hair tickling my neck. I nodded and followed him, stuffed skull bag in hand. I jumped on his back and kissed his neck, he hitched his breath and played it off like it was nothing. Whatever. I hung back a bit and took my time walking up the broken escalator. Balz screamed bloody murder and I began skipping the steps by threes, pulling out my bow and dropping the bag. A fucking zombie was tearing away at his stomach. With an echoing scream, I let the arrow loose and run to his side.

"Josh? Cmon, stay awake!" I unbutton more of the suit and quickly pull off the undershirt I was wearing.

"As much as I'd love to, now isn't the time for-" He started. I gave him no time to finish the pervy comment, and shoved the shirt on his wound. Screeches filled my ears, they were coming. I look behind me to see a Abercombie and Fitch store with fake surfboards in the display window. I bust out the glass and kick the board, splitting it in half.

"Okay Balz, we're about to take a ride." Carefully I hitch him onto the piece of board and sit behind him. "Here goes nothing!" Sliding down the escalator on a broken board is possibly the funnest thing I've ever done. I snatch up the skull bag and swerve ourselves so that my side gets the full impact of the wall we slam into. My head bangs on the concrete and my vision is becoming blurry.

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