Part Two

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Your POV

Someone lead me to my new room, Ténert and Gladeriel close behind me. I enter and realize my companions must now return to my kingdom. After all, it's quite late at night. Gladeriel wraps her arms around me in a hug. In my ear, she whispers, "It's been an honor serving you."

Ténert also gives me a hug, muttering, "Stay safe, princess."

Then they're gone.

And I am alone.

The room is large, and mostly white. Sighing, I dress for bed. I may be royalty, but I wear pajama pants with polka dots and a tank top.

Then, the door opens and a blonde boy appears. Legolas's bright blue eyes turn to me, and he quickly turns away. "I am so sorry," he quickly apologizes.

My cheeks have certainly gone bright red. The only thoughts running through my mind are the those of how lucky I am he didn't come in when I was not fully dressed.

"I don't mean to be rude, but why are you in hear?" I question, trying to keep the nerves out of my voice.

Legolas responds, "I was going to ask you the same question."

Isn't this my room? "A maid led me here," I explain. "I was told this is where I am to stay."

His head nods downward, but he continues to look away from me. "I'll be right back," he mutters, exiting the room. As soon as he is gone, I pull a t-shirt over the tank top. Sure to his word, Legolas returns, still not looking at me. "We're meant to share this room."

I must've heard him wrong. "Come again?"

He repeats his words. "We're meant to share this room."

I immediately become flustered. I just got here, and I'm expected to share a room with a total stranger! How dare these people attempt to place me in this position? In few days time, I will hold the same amount of authority as King Thranduil does now. I feel incredibly disrespected.

"I'll take the floor," Legolas volunteers.

Two unexpected things have happened in the past minute: I am expected to share a room with a stranger; a prince is offering to sleep on the floor.

I feel my emotions soften at the gesture. "No, no, no," I counter. "That's not necessary. I can take the floor. It's your home."

Legolas shook his head, still not looking at me; I realize how respectful that simple gesture is.

He replies with even more words that make me respect him. "Of course not, you are our guest," he insists. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

I shake my head, though he's not looking at me. "No," I begin, but am quickly cut off.

Legolas interrupts me. "I insist."

I sigh in aggravation. "Alright," I agree. "But we can take turns."

He nods. "I would be fine with that."

So, I face away from the bathroom door while he changes inside. I make him a little place to sleep, layering a squishy quilt on the ground, putting a pillow at the top, and laying a second and third blanket on the top.

Legolas exits the bathroom, and neither of us look at each other. The lights are turned off and we both settle in.

I can not stop my thoughts from wandering to the boy on the floor. I may never love him, but I now hope to befriend him.


A/N: These chapters are super short because I post them on Instagram. So, if you were wondering...

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