Part Five

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The next morning, I was awoken and ushered out of the room at some ungodly hour, in order to avoid seeing Legolas before the ceremony. I was slightly offended by this action based on the old superstition, because neither of us had a choice in this matter, nor were we allowed to divorce. I was a nervous wreck, seeing as I really didn't want to get married today. However, I knew my parents would be coming to Mirkwood to see me, which gave me a certain level of satisfaction.

A short while later, I was dressed in a long, simple, white dress. It wasn't poufy, nor did I have to wear an underskirt, but the material was heavy. Sequins created a swirling pattern from my right shoulder to my left hip. A lacy veil covered my face, that had been caked in makeup to my protests, and my freshly-curled hair. I wore a simple, white tiara and no other jewelry aside from a necklace that bore the symbol of my home country, a single diamond, atop Mirkwood's own silver pendant.

This would not be a special day, I realized. This would be a day that committed Legolas and I to each other, yes, but we never would have had the chance to even court anyone else. Part of me doubted that we would ever lose the tension between us, while the other part begged for friendship. The rest of me was sad because I knew that neither of us would ever truly love the other.

My father wore an iridescent-kind-of black suit, representing our land. My mother wore a similar dress that sparkled and changed every time that she moved in the slightest. I hadn't seen Legolas, of course. I hadn't seen King Thranduil either. I was informed I would not see them until I walked down the aisle.

A full orchestra was playing at our ceremony. Friends from home were my bridesmaids. They walked the aisle, arm in arm with the groomsmen, though Elanór had many objections to walking with the aisle with a dwarf. I, myself, was a tad bit confused by that, and Thranduil did not seem too happy about it.

When the time came, Legolas stood at an altar beneath an archway. I had not seen him, but a stream of people followed. I heard people stand, and I took my father's arm. He whispered a simple "I love you" before walking me up the aisle. Legolas looked at me and smiled, which I took as a good sign. He looked pretty amazing himself, in a black suit and pale green tie and undershirt, that went surprisingly well together. My parents grew teary eyed, though I showed only a fake happiness when I was given to Legolas. We said our vows, though I noticed there was no mention of love-only friendship, which we also lacked.

I was married, yes, but only legally. I was not mentally or emotionally committed to Legolas, and I doubted I ever would be, despite how much I wanted to be.

That night, we both slept in the bed. After arguing, I insisted that Legolas sleep with me, in the purest way possible. He finally gave in and climbed into the bed. We were as far apart as we could be without falling off of the bed. We had a barrier of pillows and separate blankets. We ignored each other's existence until the morning, when we woke at the same time and walked together. After all, he was now my husband.


A/N: I'm so sorry for the inconsistency of these chapters, especially because they are bad quality. I will attempt to update twice a week, on Tuesdays and over the weekend. Thanks to everyone who has read or voted because somehow this has 1K reads!!! THANKS!!! I LOVE YOU ALL! ~Lily

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