Dreams Or Reality

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The blonde moaned as Kiara pumped her two fingers in and out of her womanhood, back arching, sharp claw like nails digging into the woman above's back, blood dripped from the shallow gashes. An animistic groan escaped her lips, her breathing was become more uneven, a smirk played upon the women's lips,going faster with each thrust Kiara looked to satisfy the burning fire in both there slick folds. The blonde woman latched on to Kiara's shoulder blades nails penetrating deeper with each quiver as she rode her orgasm. 

Her scream ripped from her throat echoing in unison with Kiara's breathless grunt, the sound of there satisfaction penetrated the room they lay in at the end of the hall through the thick bulky double doors. Kiara's mouth hot on the woman's ear she bit down playfully smirked and pumped in once more curling her fingers up, hitting a spot that sent the woman into another fit of spasms. Chest heaving the blonde ran her finger through Kiara's blood red hair relishing in it's softens and the faint scent of her iron works, brown eyes met those of two colors lighting blue and hazel. Their lips met as the blonde moaned happily in her mouth.

Kiara dropped down beside her, moving damp bangs that stuck to her forehead. They lay there, stark naked and trying to catch their breathe.

"Wow. That was... Wow." The woman said breathlessly, hand over her eyes relishing in the sensations still fresh in her body. Kiara switched from laying on her back to rolling on her side to admire the woman opposite to hers ample bust. Even gliding a hand toward her and stroking the girls flat stomach, creating a content smile to form on her face.

"Yeah." Kiara stated then swiftly got up and began gathering her clothing, black pants and a dark green shirt that was a tad bit to large.

"Where are you going?" The blonde asked while supporting her weight on her elbows.

"I don't really do the whole cuddling thing." She said in her slight English accent. "Cuddling leads to emotions, emotions lead to weird feelings in my stomach, then that turns into. Well... Certain words that just won't come out of my mouth." She said smiling and putting her small dagger in her boot. "But you were amazing. We'll do it again some time yeah?"

The girl gave a weak smile, not from disappointment but exhaustion , a light blush formed on her pale features at the proposal of them doing 'it' again."See ya soon Fiona."

She remembered my name. The blonde thought before falling back on the bed flustered.

Kiara shut the door and saw her two best friends and bodyguards. Danni and Clea. "Hello lovely's!" She said with a wide smile that showed perfectly white teeth. Her mother's blessed her with perfect looks and a sarcastic, smart ass attitude, that often made life a bit more of a hassle to the authorities and her aunt.

"Another one for your books?" Danni asked while levitating a ring around the spaces of her fingers. She stood up revealing her full height. She was 6' 3". Her wavy black hair stopped just above her color bone.

"What can I say? I just can't resist women and as fate would have it they cant resist yours truly." Kiara smiled a tad smugly.

"Are you sure you can't just stand the loneliness of a day without laying someone." Clea said. Her short brunette hair was messy and bangs were covering the right side of her face.

"Jeez Clea. I'm not so cruel to deny a physically deprived woman my skills. Besides, how can I be lonely with you two by my side?" She said while they headed down the stairs and towards the door that led out to Hayland.

As soon as they stepped from inside the empty tavern, Kiara put her hand to her eyes to block the sun that was shining down. "Why is it always so damn hot outside!" She complained.

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