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 "So Krea was a thief?" Kiara asked in disbelief.
"Small time, yes. That's how she and Alex met actually."
"Krea stole from the princess!"
"Hardly." Jordan smiled at the memory when Krea told her. "She was stealing a couple of practice swords for her and Malcolm. They were only kids, but Krea was determined. Alex caught her red-handed and let her get away with it."
"Krea was actually able to be friends with the princess?"
"Not necessarily. They didn't talk again until they were teenagers, eighteen I believe. Poor Alex got bucked off of a horse. She always had trouble with those creatures." They both shared a laugh. "After that, they would hang out in secret."
"Why haven't I met you until now?"
"To be honest?" Jordan questioned. "Me, along with everyone else thought you were dead. Both you and Roux. It was hard to come to the realization that I lost my best friend's sister and child, but life had to go on. It was safer thinking you were dead."
"Did you lose anyone?"
Jordan was taken aback by the question. "I did. He was very close to me."
"What was his name?"
"Walter. He was the Commander before Krea. He was a brave and kind man. But everything happens for a reason Kiara. His death made me a stronger person. People will do stupid and crazy things for the person that they love. Krea and Walter learned that the hard way. I don't want you making the same mistake."
Kiara was about to answer, but both she and Jordan were brought to the ground after an explosion shook the entire castle. "Are you alright?" Jordan asked, helping Kiara up.
She nodded. "What was that?"
"I don't know, but it's not good."
They both ran to where the commotion came from and entered the throne room to see everyone on the ground coughing, including Queen Christina. Kiara noticed the cloud of smoke coming from the wall that had been knocked down and noticed a pair of red glowing eyes looking at her. This caused her head to pound and she could feel fear and hatred toward the person the eyes belonged to. It was Alexandra reliving the memory of the man with red eyes that killed her years ago. The pain sent Kiara to the ground. Lily crawled over to her, "What's happening?"
"It's my mom, she must know this person." She said, trying to stay calm. When the man came out of the smoke and debris, Kiara was in less pain because Alex saw that it wasn't the man from all those years ago, but now it was Kiara's turn to be scared, this man bested her and tortured her near death. Kevin's feet touched the ground as he looked around the room, studying who was in there. His eyes laid on Christina, who was getting up to recover, but her recovery was short-lived as a strong hand was gripped around her throat. She couldn't move, it was some kind of spell Kevin had on her.
"I remember you. You helped Krea and that wench Alexandra defeat Charlie. I also remember, oh who was it?" He thought for a moment. "Yes, Susan. I remember her screams as I dug my sword through her flesh. She got off lucky, I couldn't finish her off due to my being summoned. Though there is no way she survived long after that. A slow death I presume."
"What do you want." She struggled.
"Isn't it obvious, I'm here to kill you." He smiled before Jordan came and stabbed the man in the throat. It stuck out of the other side. He seemed unfazed by it as he pulled it out and laughed. "Silly girl. I remember you too. Poor Walter." Before Jordan could do anything she felt hot all over as a fireball engulfed her and she was thrown into the castle's wall, making it crumble as she fell to the ground. Kiara ran over and did a quick water spell to put out the flames. Jordan tried speaking but wasn't coherent.

"Don't push yourself Jordan, you're hurt."
"Ath- Athen-"
Jordan lost consciousness as Kiara tried her best to make sure she stabilized. "Roux!" She shouted as Roux ran over and checked on her friend's vitals. Lily ran at Kevin and rammed her shoulder into his abdomen, actually causing him to go back. "You silly girl." He grabbed her by the neck and tightened his grip.
"Lily!" Kiara shouted as she took out her daggers and charged at the man and sliced his arm that was holding Lily. Blood scattered across the girl's face as he used a wind spell to knock Kiara back and onto the empty thrown. She was dazed and tried to collect herself as her parent's voices rang in her ears to get up.
Christina was grabbed by the neck trying to help Lily. "Which wench should I kill first?" He stated.
Before he could make up his mind the door to the throne room burst open and a tall, pale woman stood in the doorway, her eyes a lightning blue and she had short curly brown hair.
Kiara took one look and felt like she knew this woman. Kevin chuckled at the girl. "And who might you be?"
"Let them go."
"Not happening." He said as he crushed Christina's throat. This brought the girl's blood to a boil. Her hands and arms were engulfed in flames as she threw fireballs in his direction to distract the man so he would let them go. He was dazed so she grabbed the dragon's swords and pulled the X shape apart to hold two dual-wield weapons. She lunged at the man and sliced his head clean off as he crumbled to the ground. His body vanished in a pile of ashes.
"Is he dead?" Roux shouted from the other end of the room.
"No." The brunette stated as she ran towards Christina's body. The woman was struggling for air. "You're gonna be okay." She stated as her hands glowed a light green and she placed her palm on the girl's throat, but the damage was too much for her healing ability. She was a fighter, not a healer.
"I- I loved you like- You- Were- Were my own." She struggled.
"Please don't leave me. I can't lose you too."
Lily joined the woman's side. "Mom."
"You're the Queen now." That was the last thing she said before her eyes closed and she took her last breath.
Lily placed her head on Christina's chest. Kiara went to go comfort her, placing her hands on the former Queen to try and bring her back as she did with her daughter. She tried and tried, but nothing, she was drained. She noticed the mysterious woman catch herself on the wall before letting out a scream that echoed through the castle.
It had been a few minutes and everyone was still gathering everything. "Who is she?" Kiara asked.
"Your sister," Lily said while she watched the guards take her mom's corpse out of the room.
She made eye contact. Kiara's brown and blue eyes met electric blue ones. "How did I not know about you."  

Breaking Boundaries - Blood Ties- (2)Where stories live. Discover now