Step Six: You Break The Good Boy Out Of Detention

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Step Six: You Break The Good Boy Out Of Detention

"Mr. Callahan I understand that you are new and a foreign student but after checking with your other teachers I don't understand why you are turning in all your assignments for their classes yet not mine. Care to explain?" Mr. Mathews said with an expression on his face like he ate a sour lemon. Well an extra super duper sour lemon with extra extra hot Chile powder on it.

"I don't understand Mr. Mathews I have turned every assignment you have given in." Jace said with a confused expression gracing that sexy face of his. Woah woah woah back up a minute did I just call Jace sexy? I meant sexy as in that your so unsexy your sexy kind of way.

"Mr. Callahan don't play co with me you have not turned in a single one of your homework assignments." Mr. Mathews just shook his head looking down on Jace.

"Mr. Mathews you have to," Jace started in before he was cut off. "Mr. Callahan I don't care if your the starting quarter back of the football team or if you have a date with your girlfriend you have detention." The bell rung and we were all let out of class.

"Hey London wait up!" I heard Jace yell behind me. He can't know that I stole his homework can he? O crap but who else could it be? I mean he was the new golden boy everybody loved him. Well almost everybody.

I started to walk faster and acted like I didn't hear him. But lets face it. I was a rather un athletic know it all bad ass and Jace was the star of the football team and had some damn long legs. Needless to say no matter of power walking could save me.

"Hey um London do you know where detention is?" Jace said shyly with his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Do I know where detention is? Honey there are a few things you need to learn and learn fast. Number one I am the queen of this school. Number two I hold the record for most detentions ever received. And number three your girlfriend is a whore that drops her draws for every thing that is breathing and has a penis. Just so you know, now follow me and hurry your little British arse up because for once I don't have detention and I intend to spend my time on the beach." I turned in the opposite direction and walked toward the stairs down to the basement.

We shortly arrived at the door to the room of doom. Nah just kidding the detention room was like my second home! I spent more time in there than I did in school. I had my own personal desk that sat right underneath the air conditioning vent. I mean literally I had been in detention so many time I carved my name into the desk.

"Welcome to hell all wrapped up in three hours and one room! Have fun!" I said before skipping away.

***Jace's POV***

"Welcome to hell all wrapped up in three hours and one room! Have fun!" London said with an evil glint in her eye. She turned around and started to skip down the hall way. That girl was something else. If you saw her from behind you would mistakenly say that she was your typical bottle blonde.

Then once you say her face you would say she was a rebel. Then once you saw her body you would say she has a body that is worthy of on helluva bang. Once you actually talked to her you would either need to go on a bender or realize that she's bloody crazy as the mad hatter.

I shook my head thinking about the craziness that was otherwise known as London. Over the past week I had realized she was quite right. She ruled the school with a hand dealing humor. Anytime you walked down the hall ways you would hear of the crazy thing London did in the last class.

So far since I have been here she has cause an explosion, a water balloon fight that is now being called World War III, reset the clocks (We got out very early that day.), staged a take over of the schools intercom system and played "I Am Awesome" for two hours strait before they figure out to shut off the intercoms. And today to top everything off she had filled up five thousand cups of water, she then preceded to put red ones in a pattern that spelt out London and surrounded them with white cups. Yep she was bloody bat shit crazy.

I knocked quietly on the door to detention and heard a grunt from behind the door. I walked in and saw what one would expect. The bad kids seemed to have formed a club and called it detention. I saw the kids that were known as the rule breakers, ditchers, drug addicts, drinkers, and just plain old BAD. I was not suppose to be here. But apparently some annoying American teacher had managed to misplace my homework.

"Well we don't have all day pretty boy." said a rather fat and old looking teacher. He was leaning back in his chair and I saw a box of eaten donuts on his desk. "Have a seat and shut up for the next three hours. No electronical devices and no leaving this class room. So unless Niagara Falls is about to come bursting out you better hold it." he finished off giving mean annoyed look like I was a pesky fly he wanted to murder with a fly swatter.

I sat down in a desk that was just a few feet away from the air conditioning vent. The second I sat down I heard multiple people snigger. What was wrong with them? I looked down at the desk and saw why. The desk had carvings all over it that read "London's Desk Bitches!" that girl must have spent a lot of time working on it

I started to twiddle my thumbs not sure what I should do for the next three hours. I looked up at the clock and realized only ten minutes had pasted. This was going to be a long three hours. I looked up and saw that the fat teacher had already passed out cold and was currently drooling on the roster. Pretty much everyone else in the room was asleep too.

Ten more minutes passed before I heard the grating of metal on metal. I looked around the room and now one was moving. I must have just been imagining it. Then I heard it again and it sounded like it was coming from the vent. "Bloody hell!" I mumbled as I saw the vents cover being moved away and a very familiar looking blonde head shooting out of the duct.

"Hey Good Boy you ready to break out of here?" London said in a quite voice. I think this is the first time I have ever heard her be quite.

"Eventually he will wake up though and I will just be stuck here again and again." I said. Breaking out of detention once would land me in weeks of it.

"Don't you think I know that pretty boy. I have a whole system worked out now grab your bag and lets go before he wakes up or they find me up here! Now climbed on that desk and crawl in here, make sure you put back the grate! Then follow me and try not to talk very loud." London said handing my the grate and with that I climbed into the ventilation systems of the school.

"London where are we going?" I asked nervously. "To the office, just shut up and trust me!" London lead me through a maze a vents and ducts until we arrived at a much larger duct that hung over the office.

"Okay so here's the plan, I will climb down first and I tap the metal grate three times in a row when the coast is clear for you to come down." now hide while I climb.

London tapped on the gate three times and then I heard a cough from someone inside the office. London quickly removed the grate and handed it back to me. She shimmied out of the duct and landed on her feet as she jumped down.

She quickly turned around and tapped three times on the grate and I shimmied down and put the grate back on the vent.

"See that wasn't too bad! " she said elbowing me lightly in the ribs. "Thanks so much Ms. Callahan! I owe you lunch!" London said before walking out the door with me.

"What was that all about?" I asked nervously.

"Well lets just say your cleared from detention for today due to a family emergency. But now you have to say that I am officially butt kicking awesome!" London said with a smirk.

"Okay I will admit you are officially butt kicking awesome, and thank you so much I owe you one!" I said happy now that I could spend the rest of my Friday night in peace with no lazy and fat snoring teachers that drool when they sleep.

"Yes, yes I know I'm awesome and that's why I am taking you and Cali to the football game and then to the after party!" London said excitedly.

Oh dear lord what have I gotten myself into.

***Author's Note***

BLEH I HATE THIS CHAPTER! But it was just a filler. Next chapter will be much better. Sorry for Jace's bland personality I am still building up his character! Hope you liked the long update!

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