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I sit down in my chair at the front of the class. I sit alone because I am shy so even when people do talk to me I kind of go into a shell and ignore them so don’t really have any friends in my grade I only have Gale but he’s 2 years ahead of me so we dont have any classes together but we hang out after school alot. Since i live in District 12 we dont have a lot of money to buy food so me and gale go hunting to feed our familys.

“Now students we have a project it’s a writing one so you will have to write a story and you will have a partner that you will have to work with…” the teacher says. All the kids start to pick there parters and get louder while I just look around knowing that i will probaly be working alone. “ok kids calm down I have already pick your partners there right on this sheet and I will post it on the wall so you can check to see who you have so you can start working” you can here groans around the class room.

I get out of my seat and walk over to the mob that is now surounding the sheet. I eventually get to the front. I look for my name and i see it at the bottom since it is in alphabetical order. I am is working with... PEETA. No no no no no I cannot have Peeta. “Well it looks like we are partners I’m Peeta” i hear someone say behind me as i am sitting down. “Uh ya it looks like that I’m Katniss” I try not to sound nervous but failing “Cool so what do you want to do for the project” "Uh I dont know"  “Maybe we could meet up at my house and we could figure it out” “um ok that’s fine” “ya I could just take you home it would be easier if that’s ok” “um Ya that’s fine” “ok” the bell rings “well bye Katniss see you tomorrow” “bye” I see Peeta’s girlfriend go over and kiss him. God i hate that there together and that im too shy to do anything about this massive crush i have on him.

I go to all my other classes and learn boring things. After daydreaming about Peeta whom is in 4 of my 6 classes. I finally got to go home. Prim is going on about something she learned today I wasn't paying attention but I think it was in science.  We get home finally now I have to think of ideas for the writing project.


chapter is really short next one will be longer

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