Chapter Two

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I am sick of all this scrooge billionaire drama.
I wake up after a long night, and struggled to get out of bed. I had a dream that I went to see my Dad, Santa Claus, and cuddled up together. I went home, flying in the night sky, as the moon and stars lit up the sky, shining on my face. It felt so real.
I went downstairs to see Gina and Clyde, my foster parents, fixing up breakfast.
"Morning!", chirped Clyde as he boiled the kettle.
I smiled at him and sat at the table, rereading the article about this scrooge billionaire:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Here Comes 21st Century Scrooge.

The famous billionaire, Jake Daniels, 26, curses the name of the popular holiday, Christmas, and even claimed to cancel it.
Jake Daniels is known for being an successful estate agent, making so much money, selling his famous houses. He even said that Christmas was a waste of time, and called it a load of b******t.
'Christmas are for stupid people who have lost their final brain cell', he said to the One O'clock News last Thursday. 'Honestly, it's a waste of time, all you do is sit down and open presents that wouldn't last long, and eat a load of food and turn fat. They don't know what this ridiculous holiday is all about, and they don't think about others than themselves.
Christmas is out of date, so everyone needs to stop thinking about the past for goodness sake.'
He even targeted Saudi Arabia, the country who is in need, and targeted other unfortunate countries around the world.
'They need to think of others who are in a worse state than they are. So much selfish people.'
It is clear that he isn't keen on this festive season this year, but we wish you a very Merry Christmas and stay safe in the winter.

I couldn't believe it. He had the courage and he thought he had the right to call unfortunate countries around the world, including Saudi Arabia, selfish. He's the selfish one!

Gina saw me getting worked up.
"Don't listen to him!", she said to me. "He's a scrooge, and he isn't your problem."
"But he-"
"Clara!" She gave me a stern look, her eyes piercing through me. I gave her a weak smile, and bit into my jam toast.
Clyde looked over to me.
"She's right. Don't stress about him! Enjoy your day and take him off your mind. In fact, let me handle this."
He took the newspaper off the table, and before I could stop him, he tossed it in the bin.
"It's for your own good. Stop whinging, already! Let him be a jerk, then again, he isn't your problem!"
I sighed at him and took another bite at my toast.
Gina looked at Clyde as he sipped his coffee. "I better leave now."
"Cancer group."
As she left, she planted a kiss on my cheek and hugged Clyde ever so tightly, like it was the very last time she will see him.
"I best be off!", she yelled as she flew out of the door.
When I was fourteen, Gina was diagnosed with breast cancer. It affected me so much, I didn't believe that she was going to live, and she believed me. She even hesitated about going to chemo. Clyde wasn't in a cheery mood, and I went down the dark route. I was depressed and I couldn't keep it together. Clyde eventually took me to bereavement counselling.
She got better, but she didn't feel like the dots connected together. She opened a cancer group for victims, and it gained access, she won three awards and she get to help people like her everyday.
Honestly, she is the best, incredible lady in the world.

"Where are you off to?"
I looked over as Clyde put on his coat.
"We were supposed to take you out. For your birthday."
I sighed. I already celebrated that with my real Dad. It was only for an hour or two, but the best one in my life.
"See you later."
He winked at me and soon disappeared behind the door.

I retrieved the newspapers from the bin and reread the story again, seething with anger as I read each word. Maybe Clyde's right; it isn't my problem.
All of the sudden, a few hours later the fall started to fall down hard, the white snowflakes falling down rapidly from the grey sky. It wouldn't stop. The ivory snow covered up the streets and coated the trees.
I switch on the telly, pressing on the keys hard. The screen switched on quickly. The news said that everyone was snowed in, and to stay indoors, and there was to be a snow storm.
This means that I won't be seeing my foster parents, not knowing if they are safe.

Santa's Daughter | ✓|Book One| ❅ (2015)Where stories live. Discover now