Chapter Ten

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Mike had protested but was taken home soon after hearing Chester went missing. He wanted to go out and search for the boy but his father and the police agreed that if the uncles had taken him and knew Chester contacted Mike over everyone, they may try to hurt him to keep the boy to themselves. Mike had to agree as his encounters with the men were enough to prove they were violent and ready to do anything they had to in order to get Chester back.

He had slept in that day after going to bed late, overthinking about his brother and Chester. He woke up to a knock on the door, his father not home. He was hesitant to answer. He didn't know who it would be. It wasn't Chester, Mike was sure of that. His knocks were just as soft as he was. His friends would've been more obnoxious and Jay had the tendency of knocking once before letting himself in. He reluctantly went up to the door and opened it.

"Mom?!" Mike gasped at the woman who had left his father so many years ago. She looked well, her skin tan and clean. She was wearing a slim-fitting vest with dress jeans, her black hair tucked in a tight bun. She seemed more professional than Mike remembered her. He hadn't spoken to her since his father and her had a fallout.

"Hi, Michael. Is your father home?" She asked sweetly and Mike felt his heart pounding in his chest. He forgot how much he missed having his mother in his life. He had a ping of guilt striking him as he felt he hated her for years but now he realized the thought was just his desperate attempt to push her away to cover the hurt he felt from his parent's divorce.

"It doesn't look like it," He shrugged uncomfortable. He was going through so many emotions all at once but she appeared very well-put together.

"Oh, did I wake you?" She frowned and it was if Mike was falling. He wanted to cry about this. His mother just came back into his life and he hasn't had the time to deal with that or let alone any of the events going on all at once. She seemed concerned and it was enough to make Mike want to break down and cry. Even his father hadn't shown s hint of concern towards Mike lately.

"It's okay," Mike faked a smile as all the thoughts and feelings pounded in his head. He noticed the box in her hands and addressed to it. "What's that?"

"That brings me to why I'm here. May I come in?" She asked with a small smile and Mike nodded, stepping aside. She entered and sat at the table, Mike sitting across from her. He waited for his mom to speak. "I'm so sorry I haven't been able to reach out to you, Michael-"

"Mike," he interrupted briefly and she gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I'm so used to talking so prestigiously since I got this new job but that isn't why I'm here although it is the reason I haven't come to see you."

"Why have you come?" Mike asked, looking to the box again.

"I only came to town to drop this box off at the police station. It's some items of Jay's. I'm hoping it'll be helpful to capture him. I decided maybe you'd like to look in it and drop it off to the police later, as I've heard you're very close to that missing boy," She explained and Mike looked to it and back to her again.

"What makes you think Jay is linked to Chester?"

"Once you look in this box, you'll know," She sighed and he grew dreadfully curious.

"So I guess you've heard everything?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Unfortunately, so. Usually I don't get your town's gossip but it tracked fast, considering that boy lived in my town anyway-"

"He lived around you?" Mike asked in shock and she nodded. He started to wonder if there was more to the story of why Jay came to town in the first place.

"Yes. He actually lived just beyond the woods that houses the clearing you and your friends love so much. He lives on the edge of our town. Would you like the box?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Mike quickly nodded.

"Yes, that'd be great."

"Promise me you'll bring it to the police afterwards. I don't want Jay running around. He may have caused trouble but I don't want trouble coming to him too," She said worriedly and Mike nodded, understandingly.

"I'll bring it in, don't worry," Mike promised. "So... Are you staying in town for a while?"

"Unfortunately, no. My job needs me but I'll visit you soon, I promise, and I'll come back to see what is to be done with Jay once he's obtained."

"So you're pretty sure we'll get him?" Mike asked hopefully and she nodded with a grin.

"Of course. As much as I love Jay, he needs to learn from this and suffer from the consequences. Just because I'm his mother, doesn't mean I can protect him when he's done something this horrible. And..." She trailed off and bit her lip. "I was wondering... Is it true that he... Got to... The missing boy?"

"Yeah," Mike frowned, the remembrance causing him to tear up. "He did. He hurt him too."

"They'll get him, Michael- Mike," she stopped herself and chuckled. "I'm so sorry to leave so soon but I'll be back. Tell your father I said hello and don't forget to look through that box and bring it to the police," She said, rising. She headed towards the door as Mike came up behind her and hugged her from behind.

"Thank you for coming," He whispered and she turned to hug him back, smiling.

"I thought you would hate me."

"No... I mean, I did for a while but when I saw you, I realized I didn't. I love you, mom." He said, pulling away to see her eyes were full of tears. She quickly brushed them away and kissed his head.

"I love you too, Mike," She hugged him again before exiting while saying, "I'll see you again soon, honey. I forgot how big of a sweetheart you are."

Mike closed the door happily after their goodbye. He almost forgot about the box but it managed to capture the corner of his vision and he went to it. He opened it and found articles of clothing along with a rope and pills. A note on it sat on top, explaining everything in the box was found in Jay's room. He found a little journal and noticed there was an entry almost everyday, leading to the day after the day Jay raped Chester. He assumed he went home before running away again.

Mike began reading Jay's journal, who thought no one would ever look twice at.

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