Chapter Twenty - Final

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*One Year Later*

"I can't do it."

"Can't do what?"

"Lift this stupid box!" Chester exclaimed in frustration and Mike took over, grabbing it and taking it downstairs as Chester grabbed the last thing, which was defiantly lighter, and followed. Mike loaded the box in the trunk and Chester put his thing beside it, closing the car's rear end. The two shared a smile.

"I can not believe we bought a house together."

"I can not believe school is over."

"I can not believe Brad is not trying to move in with us," Chester giggled and Mike laughed at that. He had been a pain since Chester and Mike became more serious. He was not necessarily getting in the way, but he was trying to be more involved with their relationship, as if he was an essential piece.

"Thank god he is going to college," Mike sighed with relief.

"You should be going too," Chester frowned and Mike knew right when it came out of his mouth, that it would inspire the same conversation all over again.

"Ches, you know I don't want to go. I want to stay with you," He tried but he knew Chester would not have any of it.

"But if I wasn't here, you'd be going to college and turning your life into what you want it to be," Chester objected, causing Mike to sigh and roll his eyes.

"Chester, as long as you are in my life, it's everything I could ever want it to be and more," Mike reminded him but Chester just shook his head. He sighed. "Hop in the car, okay? I'm going to say bye to my dad."

"Okay," Chester frowned and Mike watched him leave. He wanted to go after him and comfort him but he decided he needed to let go a little. He headed back inside and found his dad immediately.

"Hey, dad. Ches and I just finished loading the car. We're heading out," Mike said and couldn't say any more as his dad engulfed him in a hug.

"Multiply that by two and give one to Chester for me. Promise you boys will visit often?"

"Of course," Mike promised and with another goodbye, turned and left.


"Wow... It's so big!"

"That's what she said."

"Loser," Chester joked, playfully smacking Mike on the shoulder. "You're mean."

"So are you," Mike countered with and the two hugged tightly. They had entered their new home for one of the few times. They were surprised they could afford such a house. "Our future kids will love it here."


"What? You never know!" He defended himself. He'd been talking more and more about children lately but Chester wouldn't have it, considering they were only together for a year.

"I give up on you," He sighed but smiled and yawned. "I'm gonna take a nap. Wanna join?"

"Maybe later. I'm going to bring in our stuff," Mike decided and Chester nodded, heading upstairs. They had Mike's dad bring their bed and blankets and such not long after they had the house. They were both incredibly grateful for that decision by this point.

Mike finished bringing in the boxes and started unpacking them. He started arranging everything ever-so perfectly, just the way he learned Chester likes it. He felt himself growing tired and decided he'd stop. He went upstairs and into their room, seeing Chester already passed out on the bed. He smiled and laid next to him. He put an arm around the smaller boy and pulled his slim body closer. He stuffed his nose in his hair and smelt the lavender shampoo Chester loved to use.

He loved everything about the boy and even just having his scent around was comforting to Mike. Mike just wanted to spend all his time with Chester and do anything he could to keep him and help him be happy. It was always hard for him to feel joyous but Mike was sure that eventually he'd break past that depressing layer inside Chester and unleash the beauty within him. It was tough for Mike to leave Chester alone.

He always had to touch him or hold him in anyway he could. He loved to feel his soft skin against his and brush his lips against his forehead while he slept. It was nearly impossible to keep his hands off him. He loved the boy so dearly, as he loved Mike.

Chester's body turned towards Mike and snuggled into his chest. Mike always loved it when he did that. It was too sweet and Mike could never push him away. Sometimes it disappointed Mike when Chester didn't snuggle into him. Either Mike was obsessing over Chester, which was basically all of the time, or Chester was snuggling into Mike's chest.

Mike breathed out happily and couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Chester. He was in such a great spot in his life and wouldn't trade it for the world. Chester was his everything and even all the money in the world wouldn't be able to buy Chester from Mike. He was his and he was so overjoyed by that.

Jay had been sentenced to a medical center until he turns eighteen, to which he'll have another court date to see what will happen to him after that. Buck and John each received twenty years in prison and would probably leave Chester and Mike alone by then, or at least they both hoped so, they'd worry about it when the time comes.

Chester felt awfully guilty almost all the months they were together over Jay. He felt as though it was his fault Mike's younger brother was locked away but Mike had to reassure him it wasn't his fault and Jay deserves everything he received. All Chester's worries did was make Mike love him more. He couldn't get over how sweet and kind the smaller boy was. It was unfamiliar to Mike and he was happy such kindness could come from the heart of his boyfriend. His boyfriend.

After everything that happened, Mike decided he couldn't have gotten luckier. He may of lost his brother and damaged his relationship with Jeff but he and Chester found each other. It was hard to look towards the negative when his present was so good.

Mike kissed Chester's cheek before closing his eyes.

"I love you."


Author's Note:

Man, this story was exhausting! I meant to finish this much earlier but it took me until 1am, Christmas Day to finish this story, finally! I hope you enjoy this Christmas present, although I'm aware perhaps not all of you celebrate Christmas. A gift from me to you!

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