Imagine 3: This is the fourth time Justin! (Breakup/Makeup)

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No one's pov:

Vivien slammed the taxi's cab door which so much force, and then clicked her heels fiery against the grey concrete sidewalk, with her dark vintage red lips tightened into a firm thin line, along wih her eyebrows furrowed into the middle of her forehead making her have a miserbale pouty look, as she headed straight to the front door of the house her and Justin had shared.

Justin's white lamborgini cruised into the driveway directly after Viven. Justin drove into the driveway so fast that he nearly crashed into the garage door. Justin quickly swung his body out of his vehicle door and followed Viven inside. All Justin wanted was the best for Vivien, and it annoyed him so much to see her upset.

"Viv, can we just please talk about this?" Justin asked her while chasing towards the door in hopes that he’d get there before her and stop the entrance from opening.

Vivien's lips didn't move at all.   She felt confident that she was right and was gonna prove it, her boyfriend for three years now, had been late to dinner for the fourth time in a row and Vivien couldn't hold in all her anger towards him anymore.

Justin had done things like this too her before, withing the past few months. Giving Justin the most angriest expression she could give, her mouth muttered "No!" annoyingly, and she stormed into the bedroom they shared. Justin followed her to the bedroom and then shut the door lightly behind him while taking off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack, annoyed. 

"I dont understand why your so mad over this, I said I was sorry at least fifty times already.” He was wearing black skinny jeans, with white supras, and white V neck T-shirt that was underneath the black jacket, which is now hung neatly on the coatrack.

"You say your sorry Justin! But you don't even fucking mean it one bit! So therefore apology declined!" Vivien exploded, as she threw her glittery clutch onto the bed, and threw her brown locks into a messy bun. "This is the fucking fourth time Justin! It's the fourth time you bailed out on me, when we were supposed to have a nice romantic date!" she shouted in anger. "And all you can say is 'Im sorry' or 'I forgot'" she mocked him, as she scrunched her eyebrows in frustration. To her, all his apologies were just understatments. They meant nothing to Vivien, because later on in the future, she knows he'll just end up making the same mistake he has done before.

The first time, Justin had left Vivien waiting at a restaurant for two whole hours! And when she arrived home, she found him sleeping safe and sound. The second time he had rehearsal late and it ‘slipped his mind’ to tell her not wait for him at the theatre. The third time, which happened to be with her parents, he forgot and went to go chill with Ryan and Chaz. This last time she had only waited half an hour, already guessing that he ‘forgot’ again.

"Of course i mean it Vivien!" Work has been hectic lately and my mind is forgetting things, I’m sorry!" Justin apologized once more.

"Shutup Justin! J-Just shutup! I-i'm sick and tired of your games, and hearing your pathetic apologies." Vivien shrieked.

"Well, I am sorry." Justin muttered underneath hs breath.

"Look justin, this has been going on for months and i can't take it anymore." Vivien choked out. "V, w-what are you trying to say? Justin's lips trembled, as he stared into Vivien's orbs which soon simmered up with tears. "Im trying to say that I-I'm le--"

“Dont you say that!” Justin almost yelled but the sadness in his voice cracked and it sounded more like a loud whimper. ”Please…dont say it..”

"Justin..." Vivien whispered, as one tear rolled down her left cheek. "I-I don't deserve this kind of treatment anymore, i-i'm leaving Justin." Vivien finished, as she stuffed random articles of clothing into her bag, and began to walk off.

"No, your're not! You're not leaving!" Justin asserted, as he grabbed Vivien's arm and puled her back to him.

"Yes i am Justin! Now let me go."Vivien spoke. "Y-You can't tell me what t--" but Vivien's sentenced had not been completed. A loud pop had echoed throughout the entire room. Hatred, and hurt flushed thorugh Vivien's eyes. "Y-You slapped me." She choked out.

"V, i-im sorry i-i didn't mean too." Justin said softly, as he cupped Vivien's face in his soft gentle hands, but she moved back in fear, and ran into their bathroom. "Viv!" Justin yelled chasing after her, but he had just missed her withing seconds. It was too late, she had already slammed the door on his face. "V, open up, please baby i'm sorry i didn't mean it!" Justin banged on the door. "I'm sorry Viv...." He moaned as he slid down against the door. "Baby, i-i'm so so sorry."

Vivien couldnt speak. Her voice was lost in her feelings, she couldnt believe Justin had slapped her. Loud sobs erupted from her throat  and she hiccuped through her tears, as tears spilled down her face rapidly.

"Babe please, please just come out of the bathroom for Jay. I-I promise it was just an accident.... I'll never do it again." He said lowly and softly through the other side of the door.

"Vivien.." Justin spoke seriously. "I-Im so sorry baby, I-I love you soo much, and you know that right?"Justin tried again.

Vivien took a deep breath before speaking those words to Justin. "I-I know.." Vivien choked out, "A-And i love you too." She finally finished.

Justin smiled widely at Vivien's choice of words, and he heard rambling through the other side of the door. He quickly stood up, and the door quickly opened up, revealing a happy Vivien. Justin wrapped her in a tight embrace, and lifted her up a just a couple of inches off the ground. "I-I'm sorry baby, can you forgive me?" Justin begged.

"Y-Yeah i forgive." Vivien sniffled, and nuzzled into his neck. "I love you Jay." she whispered to him.

"I love you more." he replied back, kissing the top of her forehead gently.

"I love you most." She muttered into his neck.


Okay, im sorry if this is long! Again, i tend to write alot for some reason... I have no idea why, man

i have some problems! Anyways what'd you think?

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Oh and, keep dem' requests rolling ;) xoxo

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