"So can you explain everything?" Kate asks as she cautiously and awkwardly sits next to Norman at the edge of her bed.Norman sighs before responding "there's an awful lot"
Kate shrugged. "I have no life so I have nothing but time" she sighed.
Norman shakes his head. "You do have a life.. I wish you'd stop saying that" he muttered. "Anyways your mom was killed by a demon when you were young, not a random fire." He starts out from the beginning and tries to keep everything as simple as possible.
"M-my mom was murdered?!" Kate trembled, her hand covering her mouth and eyes wide, tears beginning to form.
Norman hated seeing her cry and wanted to change the subject as quick as possible to avoid it. "Your dad hired or actually to be specific, bought me, to protect you at all costs from the same demon that killed your mom."
"Is she after me?" Kate asks, her hands shaking from all this new overwhelming information.
"Yes" Norman sighed softly. He didn't want to scare her, that was the last thing he wanted. He already knew she had trouble sleeping and this would only make it worse. Now she has this terrifying news in her head to replay like a broken record. He hopes she'll let him comfort her.
"So ever since you were seven, I've been watching over you and protecting you from her and anything else that tries to harm you" Norman tells her.
Kate shakes her head. "My dreams.. There's a demon I always see in my dreams does that have any relations?" She asks, scared for the answer.
Norman nods his head 'yes'
"A-And the man that saves me.... Is that you?" She stutters. Her hands shaking from all this new informations. It is scary, finding out your nightmares are real and all.
"Yea" Norman whispered. "It's weird because I know everything about you but you don't know me.. At all" he added, chuckling some trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah.. It's a little weird" Kate smiled slightly. "So.. Tell me about yourself Norman"
"Not much to know. I don't do anything except watch over you... The only other thing I know is endless days of hard workouts and marathons to train me to protect you" Norman said, there really wasn't anything interesting about him. Protecters aren't supposed to have fun or enjoy their lives. It was strictly business for them.
"So you never had any girlfriends or anything?" Kate asked.
"Us protectors aren't allowed to have anything that will distract us from our jobs. There's no girls at the base, and I'm not allowed to leave your side and I wouldn't dream of having a girlfriend if I could. You're the only girl I know. I don't know how to talk to other girls" Norman confessed. He knew he could tell Kate anything. He was practically hers and he owed it to her.
"When my dad said he should report you.. What does that mean?" Kate asked, scooting closer to Norman, interested in all this new information.
"When a protector gets turned into the council, they send a substitute protecter while the original goes to the head of council and that decide what their punishment should be" Norman starts and turns towards Kate, so their both sitting across from each other on the bed criss cross like two teenage girls talking about the school hottie. But this was much much different.
"Like court?" Kate asks.
"Yeah.... Except the punishments are beatings and the range from Minor, Major, and Full." Norman said, cringing at 'full'.
"What do they mean?"
"Minor is just a couple whips... Major is whips, being chained up for several days with no food, having your nails pulled from your body and getting the shit beat outta you to the point you wish you were dead" Norman said, he never wanted to go through with that. Though he knows he would deserve it if he ever let anything happen to Kate.
"And full?" She asked, her face cringed up in pain like she had been through the punishment.
"That's all that but they make sure you don't live"
"They kill them?" She asked shocked.
"Yep.. But that normally doesn't happen unless the person their protecting gets killed... And I would never ever let that happen to you" Norman said sincerely.
"What if I die of old age?" Kate asks. "Or what if you die of age?"
"I can't die of old age.. I've been this age ever since you were seven" Norman said. "And if you do, which is the only way I'd let you die, then I would protect your children if you were to have any"
"Oh" she muttered. Her brain spinning like crazy with this new information flooding in.
"I'm sorry" Norman apologized. He could read her mind and knew she was trying to process all this.
"It's ok.." She mumbled.
"I know it's a lot.. I can continue hiding and staying out of your way" Norman said, he didn't want her to be uncomfortable.
"No! No please.. I need friends" she laughed slightly. Even though she felt a little weird because the man was clearly way older than her but she couldn't help but feel somewhat attracted to him. His shaggy brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes that can capture your souls. She felt bad for feeling this way.
She had no idea that Norman could read minds either and he tried his best not to smirk.
"I was hoping you would want me to stay.. I was alway so bored not being able to talk to anyone" Norman laughed.
"Will you stay here with me tonight? I'm scared" Kate admitted and wrapped her arms around her body.
"Of course.. Anything you want, I'll give to you" Norman assured her.
She nodded and laid back in her bed, reaching over to turn her lamp off, leaving the room in total darkness.
Norman felt a little awkward because he didn't know if she wanted him off the bed or on the bed or what. "Hey Kate?" His voice echoed in the dark room.
"Yeah?" He heard her voice call back.
"Where do you want me to stay?" He awkwardly asked, still sitting on the bed but prepared to get up.
"Up here with me" she said quietly, she was shy and nervous. She knows she shouldn't be, this man knew her almost all her life, but she couldn't help it.
Norman didn't say anything but crawled up under the covers beside her. He was actually surprised when he felt her curl herself into his side and rest her head on his chest. He couldn't control his heart from almost beating out of his chest and the zoo of butterflies that erupted in his stomach. He may not be human but he had human emotions and feelings. And he was finally happy he had the opportunity to hold her and talk to her. Maybe life will be more interesting to him.
"Goodnight Kate" Norman whispered as he arms wrapped around her and gave her a small squeeze.
"Goodnight Norman" she whispered back, and soon fell into a deep sleep as Norman watched over her, in the way he always wanted to.

Protector {{Norman Reedus Story}}
FanfictionKate, so innocent and unaware of the dangers that threaten her life every single day. Norman keeps that from happening. Hired by Kate's father when she was only 7, after her mother was brutally killed by a demon, Norman is now her protector. He fi...