Sweet Kiss Under the Mistletoe

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Happy, loving family Christmas
embarrassed the seasons with
hot peppermint chocolate and
eggnog sprinkled with cinnamon.

Tacky snowman sweaters
and bright Santa hats,
hopes of St. Nick
will come down my chimney
and give me presents
that I have waited o'so patiently.

Caroling and cheering with the radio,
unpacking the VCR box
to watch my favorite holiday show,
and my stockings hung on the hearth,
chestnuts roasting by the fire
even Macy's has made Christmas a colorful admire

Either turkey or ham,
it's your choice at hand.
For dinner there is
a plentiful selection of
ginger bread cookies
and ginger bread houses,
of beans with greens
and a variety of snow peas,
of big apple turnovers
and peaches seasoned with clovers.
Once it's all done
You have New Years to come.


Thank you!
Hope you enjoy!

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