Chapter 10: Fake Smile Part 3/3

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The sight of seeing my daughter being killed then her friend as well pained my heart, I couldn't control what I did next, I couldn't control my feeling as I seen my daughter lay there dead before my eyes, I stopped running and started walking, the two that stood over the lifeless argued over what she did and suddenly stopped as I walked in the scene "Huh, so this is what you were after, your daughter, but what do you know she's dead," she said while cocking a big smile, I dropped to my knees and let out a loud cry, tears falling from my face to hers.

All I could hear was myself crying and the laughter behind me, she laughed and laughed, the pain I felt was great but the anger I had was greater I arose from the ground, slightly as a summer night, "It looks like you finished crying your eyes out, but the way she died was priceless if I could I would watch her died a thousand times," she said while grinning. I swiftly step in front of his face with my blade to his neck, I wondered why he would protect her after the evidence that was lifeless before us, should I take him as a enemy, or a foe "Leave now before you get yourself killed, obliviously she's not looking to let you live, so leave," he yelled at her. She laughed then turned around "You see you old hag, I have a wonderful future husband, that protects me even when I'm wrong," she said then disappeared into a black smoke.

"How side are you on ?" I asked. "Nobody's side but my own," he replied. "If your on your own side, why are you here ?" I asked another question. "Because of fate, fate was that my friend laying there lifeless with the similar name as you, wouldn't listen to nobody, and she died the way she wanted, in the final blow, I seen her smile, she knew she was gonna die, but it didn't matter to her, she made her attempt to save her friend and she did, she saved her friend but at the cost of losing her own life," he replied once much.

I removed my weapon from his neck, then slapped him "Thank you for everything you've been doing for her, even up to her final moments thank you," I said while crying. He only hugged me in the mean time as I cried out loud over her once more. I rubbed my eyes as I got myself together "I haven't introduced myself properly my name is Hitomi Yoshida," I said while holding my hand out. He grabbed my hand as he was about to speak "Autumn, Autumn Kawasaki," he answered. "Ah so your Autumn I've heard a lot about you," I said. "If I may ask, what have you heard about ?" He asked. "A lot of things about you, they were mostly from the past," I replied. "What about my past, what do you know ?" He asked another question. "Listen everything I've been told came from your mother, so ask her about it," I replied once more.

"Fine forget it, there's no point of going over my past let's leave my past for another chapter," he said while walking over to the lifeless bodys. I didn't know what he meant by "Wait for another chapter," but I knew he didn't want to hear about himself for some reason "what are you about to do,"I'm taking my friend to the place I promised to take her and I'm also taking her friend with me," he said. "I honor your loyalty to my daughter, and I also honor your passion and ambitious for your friends," I said "I appreciate the compliment but I wasn't her friend because I sympathized her, I was her friend because I found to be very interesting and unique as a person, of course she had her times when she was dense but besides that she a one of kind friend that I wouldn't find anywhere else," he said while tearing fell from his eyes.

I was silent as he walked by me carrying the lifeless body's "I horror and respect the fact that your her mother but I'm going, your free to follow but if not that, then you should get lost," he said while walking away, I balled my hands into fists, then turned around "I know I'm a terrible mother and I know I wasn't there for her even after I died but I'll make it up to her and you, watch a mother work won't you, if you chose to, wait a few days before you go there, and something special will happen when you go there," I said while he continued to walk, he didn't reply by just continued to walk away.

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