Goodnight Sweet Grimms

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What if Nick and Trubel had meet earlier? AU, takes place during 'Goodnight Sweet Grimm.'


Nick made his way through the upstairs section of the building, he navigated the winding halls as best he could. It was dark, dirty, and random objects where scattered throughout the area. Needless to say the restaurant below was much nicer. Nick was deep in thought. A woman who had been dead the day before had just attacked him, fell out a window, and took on 3 cops. So, now he was dealing with zombies. Angry, rabid, crazy, zombies (made by some guy in a top hat.) Just another day in Portland, right.

Nick's thoughts quickly shifted as he heard shuffling, he turned another corner just as a raging 'zombie' dressed as a tow truck driver, charged him. Nick blocked his attacks as he violently grabbed and clawed at him, he kept coming. The tow truck driver tackled him sending them both crashing to the ground. Nick landed flat on his back, the zombie on top of him, growling and thrashing wildly. Nick held him back but he knew he couldn't forever. He kneed him in the stomach, hard, it didn't have any effect. It was like this guy didn't feel any pain. Nick tried to shove him off, but the driver wasn't exactly skinny, and he was still coming at him like a battering ram. Nick felt his muscled begin to tire, the zombie was still attacking full force.

Then just like that, something black blurred by taking the tow truck driver with it. They rolled and tumbled onto the ground a few feet away from Nick, it was a young woman. She had short black hair, and wore faded jeans and a black leather jacket. She landed in top of the zombie, getting several punches in. It just pissed him off, he grabbed her by the jacket and threw her back. She flew several feet and slammed into a wall. Nick was on his feet in an instant, and so was the driver. He dove down at her, she rolled to the side onto her stomach, she was quickly on her feet again. The zombie began the get up, she yanked a machete from the back of her jacket and prepared to swing.

"Aw crap!" Were the only words Nick could form at that moment.

He jumped forward and caught her arm.

"We're not killing him, who the hell are you?!" He spoke quickly, shock and intrigue in his voice.

There was no time to answer, the driver attacked again. Nick turned and grabbed him by the shirt, he used his momentum and slammed him into the brick wall adjacent to him. He was out like a light as he slumped to the ground.

Nick turned back to her just as she put the machete away, he was momentarily stunned. Before him was a slightly disheveled, yet beautiful women who had just saved his life. Oh yeah and she, for some reason, carries around a weapon that's...well, let's just say definitely unorthodox for self-defense.

"Trubel. My name's Trubel." She answered after a moment.

"Nick Burkhardt." He held out his hand, snapping back into reality.

She looked at it for a moment, unsure. Finally she took it and shook it slightly, her touch was light yet almost awkward, like she wasn't used to human contact.

"'s with the machete?" He inquired raising an eyebrow.

"It's a really long story." She replied, plainly.

"Well, thanks for the help." He spoke.

She nodded, her eyes drifting to the floor. As she did she caught sight of the badge on his waist.

"Oh crap, you're a cop!" She blurted, taking several steps back.

"It's ok! Seriously! I'm not going to arrest you or anything. I'm not here as a cop right now anyway, I'm here as...something else." He explained.

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