A Grimm Family (Epilogue)

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Trubel stood at the window and watched the traffic roll by. Some days it was still hard to believe it had already been 5 years. Once they had gotten everybody going in the same direction, it only took about 5 months to clear out the city. By month 6 Portland was declared Dead free, they started to rebuild and slowly it went back to normal, as normal as it could be. Most people never knew what really happened within the walls.

Nick walked up next to her and put his arm around her.

"Whatcha doing." He asked

"Just thinking. It's amazing how fast people forget." She answered.

"Yeah, but most of the people in Portland weren't here when it was quarantined." He replied.

"And the ones who were...they moved on, just like we did." He added, holding her little closer.

"Yeah, we did." She smiled, leaning into him.

"Daddy, your home!" The little girl with black hair came running up.

She jumped into Nick's arms.

"Hey pumpkin." He spoke lifting her in his arms and giving her several kisses.

He put her back down on the floor.

"Mommy, daddy, you want to see what I drew." She chimed.

"Of course, sweetie." Trubel smiled.

She took the small stack of papers and her and Nick looked through them, smiling.

"Oh my, you're a wonderful artist, you know that." Trubel told her daughter.

"Thanks, mommy." The little girl grinned.

Nick and Trubel froze as they came to the last picture, it wasn't like any of her other drawings. It was a face, but it hairy and had whiskers and quite frankly looked like an Eisbiber.

"Marie Rosalee Burkhardt, did you get into mommy and daddy's books again?" Trubel spoke calmly, but firmly.

"No mommy, it's a picture of our new neighbor, he looks fuzzy." She giggled.

Both Grimms glanced at each other in disbelief.

Nick crouched down to face little Marie.

"I'll tell you what, you go clean up your crayons and mommy and daddy are gonna get dinner ready. Then we'll talk about the new neighbor, ok sweet heart." He spoke.

"Ok, daddy." She answered sweetly, before turning and walking away.

"Wow, already." Trubel looked at Nick, shocked.

"Yeah, I guess every Grimm is different, but I didn't think it would be so soon." He replied.

"What do we do?" Trubel asked.

"We'll, talk to her. Tell her just little bit, you know, how to keep them from knowing she sees them. The rest can wait until she's older." Nick answered.

"You think she'll be ok." Trubel worried.

"Yes, I think she'll be fine. We're both here for her and whatever happens we'll handle it." He reassured.

"Ok." She nodded.

Trubel set the papers down on a nearby table.

"Speaking of talking, I need to tell you something." She turned to face him.

"What's wrong?" A look of worry flashed across his face.

"Nothing's wrong." She moved closer and put her arms around his neck.

"It's actually just the opposite." She added, the corners of her mouth rising.

"Nick, I'm pregnant." She broke into a full grin.

"Really?" He beamed.

"Yep." She replied.

He pulled her close, her feet left the floor as he lifted her and spun around. She held him tight, and buried her face in his jacket, a brilliant smile on her face.

Even though there had been so much darkness in both of their lives, they had found true happiness, they had found each other. And together they had made a family.

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