Keep Calm

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Trubel crouched down in the cargo area as the plane left the runway. It was dark and the only noise was the gentle hum of the engine. She mentally formulated a plan. There were only three of them. Right? One of which had already kicked her ass and turned Nick into a zombie.

Yeah, sure, shouldn't be too hard. She thought to herself.

Any sort of plan melted away as she began to hear loud metallic thuds. She soundlessly crept from her hiding place and peeked her head through the door the connected the cargo area and the interior of the plane. Large dents appeared in the coffin that housed Nick, Baron came running in just as the lid burst open and a zombified Nick emerged. Baron woged and spit in his face again, he fell back into the coffin. Trubel stepped from the shadows, just as he turned around.

"Hey!" She yelled.

"You again. I thought I'd killed you." He spoke as he turned around.

"You're gonna have to try a little harder than that." She replied sharply, staring him down.

"Oh, I have something else in mind." He countered menacingly, his accent thick.

He woged and spit the green goo at her, she leaned to the side and it flew right past her. She looked back at him, still woged, she didn't know how it worked, but she made sure he knew she saw him.

"Another Grimm." He stated, changing back.

"Damn straight." She snapped, running at him.

She hit him hard and landed a punch, then followed with a kick to the stomach. He was stunned for a second but quickly recovered, he grabbed her by the jacket and threw her to the side, she smashed into the wall of the tiny plane. Nick re-awoke and was on his feet again, he ran at Baron and slammed him against the cockpit door. He then threw him across the plane, he hit the opposite door and slumped to the ground. Trubel got back up just as the co-pilot came through the door. Nick jabbed him in the face and he fell to the ground.

"Nick. Look at me! Calm down!" She spoke firmly, grabbing both his shoulders.

Trubel saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes. He briefly came into awareness, until Baron broke a bottle over his head. Rage over took Nick once again, he turned around and threw him into the cockpit. The plane jerked violently as they bumped the pilot. Nick wailed on Baron.

"Obey me for I am your master," He yelled.

Nick stopped hitting him and reverted to a relatively calm state.

"Kill her." He ordered.

Before anybody could react, Trubel reach across the small compartment and slammed her fist into Baron's face, blood spurted out his nose. Nick snapped out of it and started hitting him again. The plane jerked once more and the pilot lost control. Sending the plane nose diving towards the ground.


Nick emerged from the wreckage. He felt disconnected from reality, it was like he wasn't even in control if his own limbs. They moved against his will, as he walked thought the debris. His eyes scanned over the wreckage, Baron, the pilot, co-pilot where all dead. Nick's mind was devoid of all emotion except anger, until he saw her. Trubel lay among the scattered airplane parts, bloodied, bruised, and unmoving. Though the fog of his current state, Nick felt an unbearable heartache break though. He fell to his knees beside her, he breathed heavy, ragged breaths, he was on the verge of crying. He retreated deeper into the rage like haze that enveloped him, reality became distant, but even that didn't numb the pain. He stood and took off running into the woods, the pain and sadness fueling the anger.

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