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Monroe loaded the boxes in the back of the pickup truck while Wu and Hank rounded up the rest of the supplies. They had been clearing out a small convenience store, a little too close to the woods for Monroe's comfort. He would frequently stop to listen and smell. As far as he could tell there was the usual amount of Dead dispersed throughout the area, but nothing out of the ordinary. He had went back to loading up the truck when something came into his field of hearing. Dead, fast ones. But there was something else, they were chasing a person.

"Wu, Hank, we got runners coming in hot." Monroe called.

Moments later, they both came out, guns ready.

"Where?" Wu asked.

"They should come out right there." Monroe pointed to the tree-line.

"Be careful, their chasing someone." He added.

"Alright, let's make our shots count." Hank spoke.

Monroe pulled out his gun and all three of them stood ready at the guns trained at the woods.

"Ok, 3, 2, 1." Monroe counted down as they drew closer.

In an instant a female figure in all black burst from the tree line, 7 runners on her heels. They moved so fast it was nearly a blur. She slid over the hood of the pickup, the runners slowed a little to go around the truck. By the time they got there she had already decapitated 4 of them with a machete she pulled from a back sheath.

Hank fired a shot and dropped one more. The remaining two charged the boys, Wu dropped the closest. The last one had gotten there almost impossibly fast, it decked Monroe growling and trying to bite him. He was about to Woge when suddenly the zombies head was gone, he shoved the body off. Above him stood the woman with the machete, she wore a hood and had black hair.

"Uh...thanks." Monroe said as he got up.

"Don't mention it." She replied simply, as she started to walk away.

"Hey, you know your pretty good with that machete, you want to come join our group. We've got a supplies, walls, and shelter." Hank offered.

"No thanks, made that mistake already." She stated turning back around.

"We're not like a lot of the other groups." Monroe assured.

"Yeah, you know they said that too." She remarked. "About 24 hours later they tried to eat me."

"Whoa, nobody eats anybody else around here, I promise." Wu chimed in.

Monroe began to hear more Dead approaching.

"Ok we have to go, more of them are going to be here any second. Either stay or come with us." Monroe stated.

Hank got in the car and started it, Wu got in the passenger side and Monroe got up on the truck bed.

"I'm gonna regret this." She muttered as she hopped in the back.


Trubel sat in the back of the moving truck, her back against the cab. The man whose life she had saved sat to her right. They both kept quiet for a goodly while.

Then he moved his head slightly and she saw him Woge, he sniffed the air. He looked over at her and retracted, a mix of horror and shock shower on his.

"Son of a bitch!" He blurted loudly, nearly falling over.

"Here we go again." Trubel sighed.

The truck came to a dead stop, jerking as it did.

Trubel with the DeadWhere stories live. Discover now