Stay With Me

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Trubel walked with her eyes closed as Nick led her by the hand.

"Why am I doing this again?" She asked.

"Just wait." He replied.

"Seriously, I've seen every inch of this place today, what else can there be?" She spoke.

"Not every inch." He answered.

"Ok watch your step, there's stairs." He added.

Trubel walked up two steps, she felt a change in temperature she was definitely indoors now. She heard Nick reach back and close a door behind her.

"Ok, open your eyes." He finally spoke.

She opened her eyes to a warm soft glow of a several lamps, she looked around. Nick stood off to the side, and expectant smile lining his features.

"Is this..." She started, a look of wonder in her eyes.

"My Aunt Marie's trailer. Yes" he finished, grinning.

"Woah." She said as she moved to the open books on the table.

"I have seen every one of these." She commented, flipping through the pages.

She moved over to the weapons.

"These" She looked them over.

"What did I tell you, all things Grimm." He smirked.

She spun around slowly and looked at the entire room.

"This place is amazing." She smiled.


Nick looked around as everyone gathered around the fire, it was something the community often did. Nick and Trubel had spent several hours in the trailer, he had had to go help with some things and lost track of her. He slipped away while everybody ate dinner and talked.

It didn't take him long to find her, she sat with her back up against one of the many structures. She was sharpening and cleaning her machete.

"Hey." He spoke, sitting down next to her.

"Hi. Sorry I'm not over there but I just...don't do well in crowd, especially now." She looked over at him.

"Same here." He replied.

She sheathed her machete and scooted closer to him laying her head on his shoulder, much like she did that night in the barn. They sat quietly for several moments, enjoying one and others presence.

"You know what I usually do when I don't want to deal with the evening crowd." He broke the silence.

"What?" She looked up at him, with slight smile.

He stood.

"Come on, I'll show you." He took her and gently pulled her to her feet.


Nick and Trubel laid down on the roof of the tallest house in the community. They looked up at the stars. With no power in almost all of Portland they lit up the entire sky.

"There always so beautiful." She whispered.

"I never would've pegged you as someone who liked to look at the stars." She commented.

"Yeah, me and my Aunt Marie used to love to look up at them, she enjoyed a lot of the little things. And after I became a Grimm, I understood why." He replied.

"She sounds really nice." Trubel answered.

"She was." He replied with a look of admiration.

"I started looking at them when I was a kid, when I lived in an orphanage I would spend most of my nights on the roof. I'd slip away and climb to the top, and just fall asleep under the stars." She explained quietly.

Nick smiled.

They looked up at the dark, yet illuminated sky, Trubel inched closer to him. It was cold so she snuggled up to him. He slipped his arm around her and she laid her head on his chest. She put her arm over him and listened to the steady beat of his heart.

"By the way, this belongs to you." He pulled a butterfly knife out of his pocket.

"You kept it?" She asked looking up at him

"Yeah, even when I couldn't remember anything, it's just seemed...special." He answered.

"Keep it, it's yours. And this way you always have something remember me by." She told him softly.

"Sure. But hopefully I won't have to just remember. What I guess I'm asking is, will you stay with me. Here, everywhere, always?" He looked into her brown eyes.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be." She beamed.

He inched closer to her, she closed the gap and they kissed. Their lips met under the bright and beautiful stars. Though Portland had crumbled around them, they were better and more complete then either had ever been.


Nick sat looking at the map, Monroe stood leaning over the table, and Trubel, sat next to him. Monroe was in deep thought.

"Supplies are getting harder to find, eventually they're gonna run out. The military isn't doing anything. We are going to have to do something ourselves." Monroe finally spoke.

"What are you proposing?" Nick replied.

"I say we clear all the Dead out Portland." Monroe answered.

"I mean, most of the population evacuated, and half the population now is alive." He added.

"It's not going to be easy." Nick spoke.

"No, but we have 2 Grimms and a large community of badass Kehrseite. Plus, I'm sure we can get others help us." Monroe pointed out.

"What do you think?" Nick asked Trubel.

"I don't think we have much choice. It's gonna take time but I think we can do it." She stated.

"Ok, then. Let's fix Portland." Nick smirked

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