Quarantine Zone

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Trubel sat in the corner of the stone cell, that for all practical purposes could have was a dungeon. She held on to the scarp piece of stone, it wasn't much, but having at least something sharp gave her a some much needed comfort. The days had begun to run together, as best she could figure it had been about 6 months.

She heard footsteps approach, it was meal time. The blonde, middle aged man walked up to the door and looked through the crossed bars.

"Offer is still the same as every day." He stated as he looked through the bars.

"Answer's still the same too?" She replied gruffly.

"You and the rest of Verrat, and the Royals for that matter, can all go to hell." She added, glaring at him.

"Why don't you just say yes? You'd be free and you'd have a chance to use your talent." He tried to convince her.

"I've seen firsthand what Verrat is capable of, it's not pretty. And besides, they hurt someone care about. So excuse the hell out of me if I'm not enthusiastic about signing up." She countered sharply.

"You have no family, who the hell did we...oh...the other Grimm." Realization hit him.

"Aw, two Grimms on love. How sweet." He mocked.

Trubel just glared at him coldly.

"Too bad he's dead." He taunted.

She tried to hide the shock and sorrow that had hit her like a ton of bricks as his words sunk in. He wasn't dead, he couldn't be. Could he?

"Oh, you didn't know. They gave the order to kill him right before they took you." He informed, a sick smile of satisfaction on his face.

Trubel's heart sank, she had held tight to the hope that he had made it, that his friends had found and cured him. But in a flash all that was gone.

He opened the hatch and slid the same old oatmeal through.

"Enjoy. We should talk more tomorrow." He smirked as he started to walk away.

"Hey, Jimmy." She called.

"For the last time my name is James." He turned back angrily.

"When I get out of here, I'm gonna kill you. You know that right." She spoke slowly in a threatening tone.

"Yeah, sure." He scoffed as he walked away.

A second later a gunshot rang out and a dull thud followed. Trubel jumped to her feet and stood ready. Several moments later, the door swung open revealing a tall, man with brown hair.

"No need, just did the job for you." He remarked.

"Who the hell are you?" She demanded.

"The name's Meisner. I work with the Resistance." He replied.

Trubel held her ground.

"And from what I've heard, all you really need to know is that the Resistance is trying to overthrow Verrat." He added.

"You're the Grimm they've been keeping?" He asked.

Trubel nodded.

"So you don't know a Kelly Burkhardt?" He questioned.

"No, I don't."

"Kelly Burkhardt? Any relation to Nick Burkhardt?" Trubel asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah, she his mother. Also a Grimm, she went off the grid around the time Portland went under." Meisner reported.

"And as for Nick, he's still alive and well." He added.

Trubel with the DeadWhere stories live. Discover now