Chapter 8

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Authors note

Yes, I know I have disappeared for quite a while, but I am back, 
YAAAAAY No! Okay then *leaves the room*

I hope you enjoy the new chapter though :)


It was really hard to sleep last night. Daniel left and all I was able to focus on should have been sleep since I was beaten up pretty bad a few days ago. But who would you tell that. I was up all night worrying about this guy that had escaped. What if he came after me? After all I did see his face. 

The noises on the corridor in the hospital did not help with my fear at all. Even when I was able to fall asleep I was woken up shortly after by the sound of thunder, so I decided to just stay awake until I eventually fall asleep, which did not work. And that is how I ended up sitting on the hospital bed, hugging my knees to my chest and burrying my face in my knees with a cutleryknife in my hand, which I had grabbed after I was woken up the second time by someone dropping something outside my room. 
I hadn't even noticed, that the sun was already high up in the sky, since I had my eyes closed tightly. 
A sudden knock on the door made my head snap up. I stared at the door, my heart pounding in my chest. Calm down Charlotte. It is probably a nurse. And what if it's the guy from the other night? What if he really was after me? The person on the other side knocked again and opened the door, not waiting for an answer. I was staring in the direction of the door not knowing what to do. I just couldn't move. 
When I saw Daniels face I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Thank god" I whispered.
"Hey Char..." My new neighbour saw the situation I had put myself into. I figured it must look like I am going insane, so I let go of my legs and was just about to put the knife away, when Daniel was standing next to me holding my wrist and staring at the knife and then at my face. "What the hell happened? Why are you clutching this knife like this? Did anyone hurt you?" I wasn't even able to answer suddenly feeling stupid for being so scared, so I just looked down at my feet wiggling my toes like I always do when I am uncomfortable. 

Daniel let go of my wrist just to slowly unwrap my fingers from around the knife. I looked up at him. He looked concerned but probably figured I was scared. "It's alright Charlotte. We are going home and you'll forget about this." He took the knife and put it on the nightstand. His hand kept unwrapping my fingers that I kept clenching to a fist. After unwrapping them for like the fifth time, he held my hand making it impossible for me to make a fist anymore. 
Daniel gave me a small smile tightening his hold on my hand. "Just until you calm down a little. Do you need to change or should we just get you home? I gave myself permission to clean up the upper floor by the way. It was a little messed up after what happened." I looked down on our hands. His thumb stroking my hand gently, giving me a relaxing feeling. Looking back up I nodded. "I just want to go home now." I didn't quite know what I meant by 'home'. My brothers house felt like home before the incident. I don't know if I would feel safe staying in this house anymore. My moms house was out of the question. I guess I will just have to stay at Sev's place. 
Daniel grabbed the bag which sat on the end of the bed, untouched, helped me put on my shoes and then scanned the room, checking if we left anything behind. Still holding my hand, he walked us to the door and we made our way down to the parking lot. 

After Daniel unlocked his white Audi, which I would have admired much more if I wasn't feeling so paranoid everytime I heard something, he waited until I got in, closed the door carefully and climbed in too.  Starting the engine Daniel looked down at my hands, which I was rubbing against eachother. He was obviously trying to make sure I don't start acting weird again. 

"Let's get you home little one." With that we were speeding off, on our way 'home'.


Hope you enjoyed reading :)

Love, Jasmin <3

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