Chapter Three ✦✦ Zayn, Brooklyn, and Canvas Paintings

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Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tʜʀᴇᴇ ✦✦ Zᴀʏɴ, Bʀᴏᴏᴋʟʏɴ, ᴀɴᴅ Cᴀɴᴠᴀs Pᴀɪɴᴛɪɴɢs

"Art class, art class, art class," Brooklyn repeated over and over again as she searched the halls. Why did this academy have to be so big? She could barely make her way around it! "Where is the art room?!"

She stopped for a second and fixed her long tie and adjusted her blouse. Her black curls were pulled up into a bun now and her dark brown eyes were looking around. Art was her favorite class ever because she loved to draw. She'd been doodling a bunch of things ever since she was a little kid. And now, at this new academy, she thought that what better way to start the year than with a new art class?

Her old art class at her other school was filled with a bunch of kids who could care less about art. And the teacher was even worse. He had no control what so ever on his students and knew nothing about art.

It was a full on disaster.

"Found ya!" Brooklyn said victoriously as she found the art room. She reached for the door knob and stepped inside.

Uh oh. Bad choice.

The professor stopped mid sentence and turned his attention to the door. That caused the rest of the students to stop what they were doing and also turn their attention to her.

The middle aged man in the room crossed his arms and tapped his foot. "You're late, Miss," he said bitterly. "If you are late for my class, you are usually not welcomed in my class. But since you are one of the new exchange students, I suppose I'll let you off with a warning."

Brooklyn smiled thankfully and nodded at her teacher. He was a tall and lanky man with a set of pale blue determined eyes and a large nose. He had a bald spot in the middle of his head and two patches of dark brown hair on the sides. He was just mean looking in general.

"You may introduce yourself to the class now. And my name is Professor Kendrick by the way. I am your art professor if you haven't noticed," Professor Kendrick explained.

Brooklyn nodded and went to go stand in front of the class. She was never really the nervous type in front of crowds of people. In her mind, they were strangers, so why did it matter what you did in front of them? They don't know you, therefore their opinion doesn't really matter.

"Hello everyone," Brooklyn waved, earning a few waves and 'hellos' back. "My name is Brooklyn Payton and I am from Boston, Massachusetts. I look forward to meeting you all. So now, if you would like to know anything else about me, then feel free to ask. I don't bite.....too hard."

Her little introduction earned a stifled laugh from a boy sitting at the back table. Brooklyn's eyes fell on him for a moment and noticed his dark hair styled into a quiff. Brooklyn smiled in amusement that someone actually liked her introduction. Professor Kendrick rolled his eyes and stood next to Brooklyn. "You can sit in the back table with Mr. Malik over there," he said and pointed to the boy with the dark hair that laughed at her.

"Oh yay for me," Brooklyn said quietly so that no one else would hear her. She fixed her bag strap and sauntered over to the back table. She nodded at the boy. "Hey there, dark and mysterious. What's your name?"

"Zayn, Zayn Malik," he replied as he thrust his hand out in front of him. "It's nice meeting you, Brooklyn."

Brooklyn shook his hand quickly and nodded. "Likewise, Zayn," she answered. "But you can call me Brook. My friends call me that."

"Does this mean I'm your friend?"

"Only if you want to be."

Zayn smiled. "I'd like that very much."

Brooklyn picked up a paintbrush from the end of the table. "Good."

She fixed the large blank canvas in front of her and peered at whatever assignment Professor Kendrick had on the front easel. Professor Kendrick continued explaining the concept of colors and the "correct" and "incorrect" ways of holding a paint brush.

Brooklyn tried her best to pay attention, but she couldn't with that cute guy standing next to her. She kept looking forward but she knew that Zayn kept stealing glances at her every once in a while.

She even turned to grab a paint pallete and caught him staring once. She couldn't help but smirk to herself.

"Now you may all do the one thing you're supposed to do in here," said Professor Kendrick a bit too dramatically. "Paint."

And with that, the students were off onto painting a bunch of random things that came to mind. Brooklyn bit her lip and stared at her blank canvas. What the heck could she draw?

After about thirty minutes of just staring at her blank canvas, Brooklyn let out a sigh and decided to check out what Zayn was painting.

She looked over and couldn't believe her eyes.

Zayn smiled nervously and stepped back. On his canvas, he painted a cartoon version of himself, along with Brooklyn. In the middle was a heart and underneath it were the words 'Will you have lunch with me later, please?'.

Brooklyn smiled and dipped her paintbrush into the purple paint. She then moved the brush across her canvas and painted the words 'Heck yes!'.


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