New Username

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Hey~! How long has it been?

Well, let's get to the point of this part. I'm terrible at creating usernames. I got a tad bit tired of TacoTuesday12, believe it or not. I changed it to PoisonedPirate 'cuz I'm terrible at usernames (as mentioned) and oddly like pirates!

Anyways, to get out of subject (like always), Alyssa published the prologue to a "project" I've been working on. Because of my new username and my new iPod, I have to make a new cover. The current one says "TacoTuesday12". If you're wondering what it is, it's on this account (alyssajude23) under the title Fragile as My Wine Glass. I need to change the description as well.

Well, bye-bye!

For All Eternity,

★Journal Entry Thirty

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