Chapter Twenty-Eight: Happy Holidays!

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* please note: This chapter is a Christmas update. Yes I do know it's past Christmas, and yes I don't actually follow actual holidays throughout the year but I felt this was needed. I love Christmas updates!* Anyways enjoy xoxo

*4 months later*

Chelsea switched off the engine of her car and hopped out. She walked into the local coffee shop and ordered her usual. Life had finally become somewhat normal again, she felt more alive now, and she was living back home when she wasn't on campus. Since college had finished for Christmas break, she offered to work more shifts in the hospital since it had become more busier at this type of year. So every morning without fail, Chelsea was up at 6am, made sure all her chores were done and she was out of the house, grabbing her coffee on the way and getting to the hospital for her 8am shift. Chelsea pushed the door of the shop opened and heard the familiar jingle of the bell, she walked up to the counter and smiled at the lady. "Morning Max, how are you?" Chelsea spoke to the regular barista.
"I'm good thanks. How are you coping now? After everything?"
"It's getting better every day you ask." Chelsea smiled and dug out her purse from her bag.
"The usual?"
"You know me so well." They both chuckled lightly. "How's it been lately? It's a lot quieter than usual."
"Yeah, it's still early. You're earlier today?"
"I was up early this morning, not feeling to great today. Like I'm fine but you know when you know sometimes not right."
"It is getting cold, maybe you'll get ill soon. Keep wrapped up warm." Chelsea scoffed to herself and took the cup from Max's hands and gave her the change. "Anyways, it's getting late. If I don't see you, have a lovely Christmas, and have a great new year."
"Same to you as well Maxwell." They smiled and Chelsea left the shop, as she walked down the sidewalk she bumped into Zoey, who she hadn't seen for a few weeks.
"Morning Zoey." Chelsea said first, catching Zoey's attention.
"Oh! Chelsea hey. Sorry, I didn't even recognise you. How have you been?"
"I've been good, getting the hours in before Christmas."
"Not long till the big day." Zoey smiled at Chelsea and shuffled her feet a little.
"How are you coping now? I feel like we haven't seen each other for ages."
"Well I've been out of town since your fathers funeral, went with my family to see my aunt."
"Oh how is everyone?"
"They are great, yeah we're all good."
"And you?"
"It's getting a lot better, thank you. I've not attacked anyone for a long time, Oliver's been helping me out a great deal, and with Isabelle and Leo in town, they've been helping me with some things. Yeah it's great." Chelsea glanced at her watch and shook her head.
"Shoot! I've gotta run, I'm going to be late. How about we catch up tonight in the bar? Get a few of us in there and catch up. It's long overdue."
"That would be great. I'll tell everyone while you're at work." Chelsea nodded her head and said goodbye and got back into her car and drove off.

Jordan, the male doctor that Chelsea worked with on each of her shifts came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Oh hey. You alright?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. I need a favour." Jordan looked at her.
"What's wrong?"
"Well one of the nurses has called in sick and since Christmas is in two days, we need all hands on. Is there any chance you'll be willing to cover the shifts?"
"I suppose I could talk to my family about it. I don't think they'll mind."
"Chelsea, I don't know what we'd do without you. You are a credit to our team, how about I take you out for a drink after this? Celebrate Christmas early?" He placed his hand on the top of her arm and rubbed it slowly.
"Well actually, I can't. I'm already going out, with a few friends of mine."
"Oh okay never mind. Um... Wow this is awkward. Well we have a casualty coming in in ten minutes."
"No, I didn't mean it like that. Listen after our shift we'll go together. I'm sure my friends won't mind."
"Okay, that's sounds great." Chelsea looked at him and saw a gurney crash through the doors, paramedics around the patient that was in a neck brace on the gurney. "Time to start work!" Jordan walked over to the patient and helped wheel him into a cubical, while Chelsea watched then followed.

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