The Dance (Pt 2)

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They watched the people on the dance floor; they watch Charlie acting like a lunatic under the coloured lights. Sam glanced at his phone, one text from Dean, asking if everything was okay. Everything was better than okay, for both Sam and Gabriel.

"Is that Dean asking if everything's alright." Gabriel asked.

"Yeah, how'd you guess?" Sam laughed.

"I just got one from Cas." Gabriel smiled. "Shall we give them a call, surprise them?"

"Yeah, I think we should. C'mon I need the loo, too." Sam said as he stood up and began to stride along the benches, Gabriel following close behind. "Toilet first, then call?" Sam asked Gabriel, who agreed. They made their way to the toilets down the corridor from the gym.

"Sammy, what did you want to say earlier?" Gabriel asked as Sam disappeared into a stall, locking the door behind him.

"Err...oh yeah; Mrs Tran said she would give us a ride back home." Sam told him. "She thinks Lucifer might have it in for us or something."

"Oh good and Lucifer will be in so much shit with Crowley on Monday." Gabriel laughed

"Yeah he will." Sam said quickly. "Also, don't tell Cas or Dean about what happened, if Dean finds out he'll kill Lucifer and get kicked out of school and we'll have to move again." Sam walked out of the stall and over to the sink to wash his hands.

"Okay, I won't tell him or Cas, I promise." Gabriel gave Sam a smile, he didn't want to lose Sam either. "C'mon let's call them already." Sam got out his phone and set it down on the edge of the sink, after dialling Dean's number, and h put the phone on speaker. Finally Dean answered.

"Hey Dean"

"Hiya...Sammy, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just thought we'd call and tell you everything's fine."

Dean moved away from the phone slightly and said something to Castiel, "Do you mind not doing that?" then Castiel replied with a very innocent, "What, I'm not doing anything."

"That's good Sammy." Dean continued.

"Hey, Dean-o, could I speak to my brother for a moment?" Gabriel piped in.

"He's a little busy at the moment, just gone to the toilet."

"Actually, never mind, I'll talk to him later."

"Did dad come home?"


Sam was going to say something else but Gabriel interrupted before he could do anything, "Okay then, bye, we can tell you are a little busy, bye." And he pushed the end call button on Sam's phone. "Right, let's get back to the party. I think they're giving out prizes."

"Charlie'll get best dancing!" Sam laughed and Gabriel erupted into fits of laughter as they walked back into the gym. The music had been turned down and everyone was gathered on the dance floor.

"And the prize for the best dancer goes to...Charlie" Ms. Harvelle announced through a microphone and everyone cheered as Charlie made her way up onto the stage. Both boys looked at each other and laughed like crazy.

"The next prize goes to two people." Ms. Harvelle informed everyone. "Best couple of the evening." Everyone looked at one another trying to work out who it could be. "And the winners of this prize are...drum roll please..." Everyone was still looking round, figuring out who it could be, as a drum roll played through the speakers. "Gabriel and Sam!" She announced.

Sam looked at Gabriel, his eyes wide in shock, Gabriel just grinned up at Sam.

"Did you plan this, too?" Sam shook his head to Gabriel's question; he didn't know what to say. People began to move out of the way, to let them get up to the stage. Gabriel took Sam's hand and they walked up on to the stage, Sam was still totally bemused by the whole thing as they were passed their prize, a $20 gift card for the ice cream shop across the road from the school. Gabriel thanked Ms. Harvelle; Sam didn't say a word but nodded. A photographer took a quick picture of them together. They left the stage and took up their seats on the bleachers.

"I never thought I'd see you speechless, Sammy." Gabriel commented and kissed Sam's cheek.

"What just happened?" He asked, still completely bewildered.

"We won best couple, duh!" Gabriel exclaimed then kissed Sam. "How could we not be though?" He smirked and kissed Sam again.

"Wow...I-I can't...believe this." Sam said, slowly getting over the shock. Then Charlie came over, stumbling past others on the bench, to sit next to the two boys.

"Sup bitches?" She asked.

"Well, I think Sam's in shock, after the whole 'best couple' thing but he'll be fine." Gabriel said and kissed Sam on the cheek. "Congrats on the prize Charlie, we knew you'd get it."

"Thanks, Gabriel. Same to you with yours. Do you two want to come and dance with me?" Charlie asked, already knowing the answer. Gabriel agreed before Sam could say anything and before Sam knew it he was on the dance floor once again and he was dancing with Gabriel and Charlie. After a couple of songs, Sam pulled Gabriel to the side after checking the time on his phone, 10:23.

"Gabe, can we go home, it's getting late." Sam said as he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"One last song?"

"Alright, but I'll go find Mrs Tran. Just one more, okay." Sam told him and Gabriel went back to join Charlie on the dance floor. Sam had spotted Mrs Tran over near the food table and asked her if they were able to get a ride soon, she said yes, told Mr Singer what she was going to do and went out to bring her car around to the front of school. Sam told her they would be there in a few minutes. The song finished and Gabriel bound over to Sam, he was still full of energy.

"Come on let's go!" Sam said as he put his arm around Gabriel's shoulders.

"Alright then." Gabriel said, looking up at Sam with a smile. "See ya, Charlie!" He shouted over to Charlie, who was still dancing.

"She's waiting out the front of school." Sam whispered into Gabriel's ear. "I think she's worrying about nothing."

Gabriel smiled innocently up at Sam again and they walked out of the gym and towards the main exit of the school. They saw Mrs Tran, stood in the doorway; Sam and Gabriel quickened their pace, so they wouldn't keep her waiting too long.

"Good, let's get you two home, then." She said as they approached her and she led them across to her car.

"Thanks for this, Mrs Tran." Sam mentioned as he climbed into the back of her Prius.

"Yeah, we really appreciate it, Mrs Tran." Gabriel smiled as he sat next to Sam, pulling the door shut next to him. Mrs Tran sat in the driver's seat and turned on the ignition.

"Where am I taking you then?" She asked as she pulled out of the school car park.

"Err...could you just drop us off at Gabe's, please?" Sam asked nervously.

"Yeah, of course." Mrs Tran replied, trying not to look too suspicious. "Is Dean going to take you home from Gabriel's?"

"Err...something like that." Sam lied. "He's out at a restaurant with Cas, so once he's finished, I guess."

Mrs Tran smiled and Gabriel gave her directions to his house.

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