Chapter 12- Running Buck

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 This is a little different from the original and because I deleted a chapter that didn't work after editing, this comes sooner than it did before. Hope you like! ENJOY!

Chapter 12- Running Buck

After we arrived back at the cabin, Zak and Owen skirted round the details of my injury, using that I fell as an excuse, and then distracted people by showing the grouse I had killed. Damon had killed at least half a dozen hare and squirrels and he was flashing them in Alex's face, who looked a very sickly shade of green.

Zak then announced on my behalf that I was leaving today. Everyone jumped on the band wagon and they all decided they would too. After all the events that had unfolded on the verge of turning the camping trip into a slasher movie, it seemed everyone was pretty anxious to get back home.

Alex offered to patch up my forehead much to my surprise. Her mom was a nurse and she planned on following in her footsteps, so I allowed myself to trust her. After that, she went up a few scales in my opinion of her.

The next half hour or so was spent packing. It was still light outside. I checked my watch, which read 4:13. Sami came into the bedroom just as I was zipping up my bag.

“Are you sure you're okay?” she asked.

I nodded. She waited for me to say more but when the silence dragged she didn't push it.

“Oh crap. I forgot,” she began. “I have an assignment I still haven't finished due Wednesday. Today is the only free day I have this week.”

My expression must have made her think I was unhappy because she inhaled sharply. “Don't worry! I can still come with you to the hospital, I'll work around it. ”

“No, Sami, it's okay. I'll go on my own. You should get home. Are you going with Kim?”

Sami shook her head in response. “No, there's five in their car already. I'll go in Owen's car.”

“You sure? I can drop you off.”

“No, it'll take you double the time. That cut looks nasty, you need to get it seen to as soon as you can.”

“Alex did a good job.”

Sami frowned. “She said you might need stitches.”

I sighed. “Okay, you go with Kim. I'd prefer to go on my own anyway.”

Sami opened her mouth and I knew she wasn't finished. “Umm, thing is, Zak said he wanted to drive you.”

I frowned. “He wants to drive my car?”

“He was going to come with us but he doesn't think you'll go to the hospital.” She said it in a way as if she was more offended than I was about that statement.

“Oookay. Well, no offense to Zak but I'm not letting him drive my car.”

“I guessed just as much. Just wanted to be sure before I take it up with him. You coming?”

“Give me ten minutes, I'm almost done.”

“Sure.” She left and I tidied the room, made the bed and after checking I had packed everything, I carried my suitcase outside.

The others were already ready and I could hear their voices by the cars. Sami was waiting outside the door and when I stepped out, she locked up and we headed towards the others.

The girls were already in their car. Zak was helping Owen stuff all the last of the equipment onto the roof rack of Owen's Jeep.

I could see Sami was on a mission as she stomped towards her brother, and I trailed after her, wincing as she bellowed, “Zak!”

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