Self Worth: A slam poem.

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What is my self worth?
A question asked by many
Answered by few.

But maybe the question isn't at all
"What is my self worth?"
But "How do I determine it?"

Maybe it is by the letters written
Critically upon our report cards.
Or what our laughs sound like.
Or maybe it rests inside the minds of those who see us from the outside,
But how could that be if they can not see us from the insides of our minds.

Mine was always based on
The overly analyzed and picked apart opinions of my most arrogant authority figures.

And oh how I can remember,
The distant days when I was Daddy's baby girl.
But then all at once,
The baby girl grew up and saw herself.
And realized that she wasn't the baby girl her daddy thought to love.

So I made my own.

With a combination of lyrical phrases, I avoid carving my lack of love into my skin.
Because "Love less" sounds a lot like "Blood loss" if you have a broken mind.

And I tried to kill my angry thoughts, which reside inside my mind.
They have begun to destroy what my laugh sounds like.
Drastically altering the letters written on my report cards.
This causes me to wonder as I discover what is my self worth?

And how do I determine it?

And why is this so difficult?

I do not understand why I am here or what my purpose is so I guess I will take advice from Nike and "Just Do It".

But what is "it" anyway?

Is "it" my self worth?

Simply there and undetermined.

Or maybe my self worth is undefined.

The 0/0 of the fine line between life and death.

And yet I still write.
Because pen strokes are less concerning than skin broke
From rusty metal blades
Found in the unlit sectors of our hearts,
Along with the baby girl we used to be.
And the opinions of overbearing arrogant authority.
The questions of what others see remains with the laugh of the happier parts of me.
Am I determined by my grade point average.
"Just determine your self worth."
This demand seems so savage.
Which reminds me:


Wishful Thinking// Poems Age 14-16Where stories live. Discover now